Twitter is an online news and social networking services on which users post and interact with message know as Twitter.
Twitter were originally restricted to 140 character but on November 7,2017, this limited was double for all languages except Japanese, Korean, Chinese. Registered user can post tweets,but those who are unregistered can only view these posts.
In 2012 then 100 million users post 340 million tweets a day and the service handle an average of 1.6 billions search queries per day.
Unfortunately adult may also bully each other online, and sometimes their target are coworkers . Twitter is free online social media network services used to send receive short message within a specified group. Very much like sending an email to distribution list a Twitter post conveys a massage to a predetermined list..
Twitter is very useful social media like facebook,messenger,Instagram. I like it very much. But unfortunately my Twitter id is suspended.