Be happy always

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3 years ago

A friend of mine will always say that we should learn to cease every opportunity to be happy and that's because there was troubles in the world before we came, and we'll leave those troubles in the world when we die..... So he believes there's no need not to enjoy the moment..

I've always doubted this friend of mine, but with this I agree.

Our happiness shouldn't be dependent on our current condition, cause that will mean that happiness is impossible seeing that everyone is facing some big challenge.

Happiness should spring from within because it's a thing of the heart. Being happy will not necessarily mean all is fine, but will be that despite the struggles and roughs,you still choose to allow joy flow through you.

Happiness is a build up of strength and hope so when people claim to be happy, they only are telling you of how strong and optimistic they are.

Happiness is highly contagious and also that it's a good thing to display always. Someone may be counting on your happiness to be happy, so you don't want to disappoint that person hence, we must always and always remain happy...

So carry a loving smile, stay happy always and keep enjoying the moment of life

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