How to Make Money on Binance

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Avatar for Ajirioghene
1 year ago

The number 6th way to make money on Binance is through Binance staking.


The 7th way is Binance Dual investment.


Binance dual investment helps you to either buy a coin


1. At a low price or

2. Sell it at a high price

On a settlement date while earning interest on your coin within that period.


Did you get that? you can just pause and replay what I said If you didn’t get it.


however, let me explain further with an example Using the sell high option.


On 12th of August, lets say the settlement date is on the 12th of September.

You have bitcoin and the price of bitcoins today is $24,000. On the settlement date, it is anticipated that bitcoins price will hit $26,000.


So you went ahead and subscribe to this dual investment. Once done, you cannot withdraw your bitcoin until this settlement date.


On the 12 of September, if bitcoin hits $26k it would be sold and be sent to you plus additional APY it accrued.


If bitcoin didn’t hit $26k, you will get your bitcoin back + the additional APY is accrued.


Now let me share my screen to show you how it is done.



The 8th way is Auto-invest.


It is a DCA strategy.


DCA is Dollar Cost Averaging

You can even call it

Pounds Cost Averaging or Naira Cost Averaging or Cedis Cost Averaging

Just put your local currency and add Cost Averaging.


With this strategy, you buy a coin every month or every week, over a period of time irrespective of the price of the coin.


This is the method I used to make 14 million from 20 thousand naira monthly over a period of 3 years. I made a video about it documenting the process. I will leave the link to that video in the description.


What Binance Auto-Invest does is that it Automates the DCA strategy for you.


To get started, go to the earn section, click on auto-invest.


You will see a list of coins you can invest in, and click on create plan.

Chose the recurring cycle; Daily, weekly, Bi Weekly or Monthly. Specify the time.

Enter the amount you want to use, agree to the terms and confirm. Just make sure that every month, you have this amount of USDT in your binance spot wallet, that is where USDT will be taken to purchase ADA and sent to your savings wallet where you will also earn APY on it.


If you select, use flexible savings Balance, it will use the balance from your flexible savings to invest each time you don’t have money in your spot wallet.


Number 9 is Ethereum 2.0 Staking.


This is staking in Ethereum 2.0 to earn up to 5.2% APR.

Your stake cannot be redeemed during the first phase, it may take more than 2 years. Binance tokenizes BETH as the only proof of your staked ETH in a 1:1 ratio.


Now number 10.


This is where I made over 28 million. This is the Binance referral program.


Let me show you what I mean.


What Binance does is this. They take a transaction fee of between 0.1% to 0.075% from those trading on binance depending on what they are paying with. If It happens that a trader trading on Binance is referred by you, Binance will not keep the whole 0.1% fee to themselves, they would give you a part of it every time.


The trader however, have to sign up with your referral link for this happen.


This how I made the 28 million on Binance so far.


The question you might be asking now it this;


How do I get people to signup to Binance and trade?


Lets start with what you have been doing passively. If you use Binance already;

How many time have you told a friend or a family member to open a binance account without giving them your referral link to do so.


If you have been doing that, don’t do that again, you are just giving free money to binance. Always use your referral link.


If you now want to do it like a professional this is what you do.

Learn how to use the binance platform, how to use it products and services, how to trade and all. Then teach people how to use binance dropping your referral link for them to sign up with.


You can do this by

·  Organizing a free class with a  pre criterial to create a Binance account with your link to join.

·  You can make youtube video tutorial on how to trade on Binance or use its products

·  You can create a free account on medium and write a review about Binance.

There is a lot you can do.

You can use google keyword planner to research what people are searching for with regards to Binance so you know the specific content to create around it.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Ajirioghene
1 year ago


Soo bad post 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago