Mistakes are human, but bankruptcy requires a computer. “I have learned from my mistakes and believe that I can repeat them exactly.” “I want my children to have everything that I cannot afford. Then I want to live with them. “We taught our children to walk and talk for the first 12 months of our childhood and asked them to sit for the next 12 months. stay calm. “When a man opens a car door for his wife, it can be a new car or a new wife. “Life is a sexually transmitted disease. “I dream of a better tomorrow. The chickens cross the street and don't ask for motives. "Someday be in the hospital, do not become an idiot and do not die." “The less the Holy Spirit, the more cookies and coffee we need to keep the church going. ... “If you live with a roommate who is as unstable as this economic system, you should move or seek professional help from your roommate. 2.5 most beautiful things "if you're in love"