I first started writing poetry when I was 15 in what I call small sparks of consciousness streaming through my soul, during my own relationship experiences. At first it started because of my pain that I gradually learned how to express through my own person experiences of life, which was translated and understood when I learned how to be honest with myself about how I see the world, and not allowing anyone else tell it for me. At first they were just notes, but I put it to the side and let it marinate. As I began to keep writing them and putting them to the side the relationship I had started making sense to me, and as I gradually matured by gradually being intellectually aware of life I started to make sense of the bigger picture of these poems and I ended up telling the future of where I was heading with these works. Now I published i first poem collection which has nothing to do with the original poetry that started it all, but I have another project I’m working on first before I truly start giving deep with the poetry I’m writing. The reason I say all this is because I too am a organic poet, and you even mentioning the term “organic” sparked this idea to comment all this in the comment section so thank you.