Discover Your Life Purpose for Real Success

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3 years ago

One of the biggest mistakes I made in my first business was getting clear about who I was and what I stood for. Often, we start making plans for the future without doing a little soul searching first. It was a rude awakening when my passion for designing clothing crumbled into a million tiny little pieces, but it didn't come without some amazing lessons.

Stuck with extravagant credit card debt, I was really confined to spending my time doing things that didn't include much spending of money. When you don't spend money, you find clever ways to entertain yourself and the best part is you get to know yourself really well.

One of the things I was dying to know, was what I did wrong in my first business, so I could be sure I didn't make the same mistakes twice.

I wanted to know the real recipe for success, but I had no clue where to look for these answers. Google has a lot of answers for most of life's questions, but the one it can't answer is, "what do you believe in?"

While I went on with my life setting new goals (like paying off my debt and healing my body), I had some incredible "ah-ha" moments, one of which was "what satisfies me spiritually?"

Perhaps I had read one too many self-help books, but I must say, all those positive words starting living in my conscious mind-- that's when I discovered the real truth to success. I believe success is a sequential series of events, spiritual "ah-ha" moments, and the ability to keep growing. You see, the magic potion for success truly is:

"The more success you want in your life, the more inner work you'll have to do." Profound, isn't it?

That thought kept me up at night. Then I started to feel like I was in a hurry, like I had some "catching up" to do. And those kind of thoughts kept me up too.

Your issues, your questions, and your beliefs are the keys to your success. The more you desire answers to your questions the faster true growth can occur. When you know what you believe in, you become highly attractive to more things that feel the same way.

So I put together a FREE Special Report entitled: 5 Secrets to Unveiling Your Dharma. It's the truth behind true success that I haven't found anyone talking about. Had I known what to look for (in my twenties) I may not have learned all the priceless lessons I was born to teach. With hardships comes valuable lessons and when you learn those lessons, you can teach that to others.

Unveiling your dharma will unleash what it is you are here to teach and how to follow your life path to create the life you've always dreamed about.

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3 years ago
