The Wishful Word

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Avatar for Aishaa
Written by
3 years ago

The Wishful Word

Your word like a sweet Cherry spouts from your mouth to be devoured whole.

Its sweetness flies on invisible wings to the waiting orchard of my ears.

Here, it is reborn, like a butterfly; its cocoon now a catalyst,

A shedding of frailties cast adrift by a single word.

The bright flare of your thoughts of me, now glow;

To dwell, in the glowing embers of my soul.

Speak to me, anything that I hear I can interpret as your wish.

I grow in anticipation of the single word I hear fly from your lips.

The word that frees itself from the warmth of your cheeks;

And, with a blushing intake of breath, it sprouts sails;

Swirling into the open channel of my being.

I wait, my eyes like the beacon of a lighthouse,

Your word, a roaring wave cracks upon the rocks of my marooned heart.

Oh, the power of your word, on the sail,

Billowing its timber of hope,

Carrying its guide to my turbulent soul.

To seek refuge and wake up the stars.

Those that shine upon the shore of my surrendering will.

I am like a whale out of water that hears your call.

Your word beams as I try to mimic it aloud.

My body is beached, my mind adrift.

Your word guides me back to the water of life.

Take me, in your dream back from the shallows,

Into the deepness of the ocean of your being.

Be my guide to the cove where ships are safe and happiness thrives.

Where ships are not made of iron and wood but flesh and bone.

Make us one in thought and deed, all from the single word,

That sailed its journey from your harboured heart to my Soul.

You are a glistening, shimmering island;

The refuge of my need.

This entire journey from the simple speaking of a single word.

A word from your soft voice, that, in its softness,

Still reverberated in the lofty clouds of my brain.

It is the sail that entwines before we touch.

I hear your voice as it speaks to me, now,

Into my eardrum that beats its march.

I hear you speak, “Yes"!

Oh, the rocket power of that word,

As it screams, them bursts from the silo of your heart.

I am levelled, my defences gone.

I am open wide to the piercing tongue tip word that penetrates my body.

"Yes," I say, aloud. I am home and it is here on Earth.

The name of my spice is, you!

We embrace, and realize all things are possible,

In this new world where only "Yes" exists.

Nothing matters except the sound of that single word,

A sound that soars like an eagle into the winds of want.

An image that makes its nest in the branches, twigs,

And grassy knolls of our beings entwined.

Although, your mouth may speak an armada of words,

All beautiful and true to the ear,

My heart only hears the first and the last,

Nothing else matters if "No" is present.

Only "Yes" commands,

"Yes" is the last murmur, that leads the charge to the final possibility of Victory!

Without the willing consent of "Yes" nothing else exists...

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @ZenifaAnn
Avatar for Aishaa
Written by
3 years ago
