Just frustrated!

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Once and for all, I always wanted to have a good stable company with two days off and big salary. I always dream that one day I will be in that situation.

But for almost 12 years of working , I am still on the brink of doing a job which I dunno if I love it or not. Or is it the company management or self-problem.

I don't like toxic environment just like what I'm in right now. Not too good management, toxic and negative vibes of coworkers. So tiring to be in this kind of situation. Even you are working hard, do the right thing for what is good for the company but if you have a boss who is prone to biases, closeness, and if you follow all he wants, you will receive a reward or you will be close to him. Got, what I mean? So sucks! I wanna get out from here actually but because of covid, not too easy to do that especially if you work abroad (OFW).

I planned not to renew after two years but because of this crisis, need to renew or else I will end up nowhere. So many companies are closing. So many lost their jobs. Some companies removing employees. I guess planning is not really a good thing. This year is not so good. Since the day 2020 came.

I am so frustrated to get out from where I am today. I'm on vacation for now, and sometimes I'm thinking not to go back but if I will stay here, nothing will happen to me in my country. Less salary, I can't get same salary like what I am receiving from abroad.

I always want to work with a community where I can reach out to people. I mean a meaningful job. Where positivity is more alive and all people are helping each other. Peaceful place to work for. Who really deserves my effort. Because right now, I become unworthy because of this kind of management I am in. It so hard to find a place to stay for long time with less negativity, less toxicity or much better no negativity. Just frustrated!

This quote or message I like:

"So many people are stuck at jobs they dont love, putting up with managers they dont even like, if you dont feel inspired going to work most days, maybe its time to leave that job.

A lot of people may think that they may need a certain job or a certain boss in order to be successful but the reality is bosses need their employees just as much as the employees need their bosses if not even more so know your self worth"

It's really time to leave this job I am in but I don't know where to get another one.

Just need to apply, apply, apply until I get the right one. Hopefully.

Have a nice day everyone! Thank you for reading time. God Bless!





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On dear, I feel for you. To be honest I am glad not to be in your position. I worked for years for an agency that selected jobs for me. It was for a certain period and after that period I went on to the next. I liked it because I didn't need to like colleagues if they were nasty I didn't mind because I left anyway.

My last job was great. I mainly worked alone. After some changes, I decided to work less hours. Just the minimum I needed to stay alive. More time for me, less traveling.

It's hard since the past 20 years to get a job. With us you only can if you are young. As young as possible because it's cheap. Many started working on their own. Same kind of jobs like I did just they are there own agency so need to pay tax themselves and the employer does not.

If you have a good connection and are good with a computer you might find a job online. You can stay home, schedule your own working hours if you like. There are companies who ask for people to write reviews, call centers, transcription, etc are all options. You could try that. Try to save too so you have something extra if times get worse.

No job pays good enough to feel miserable but money is needed. Start job hunting while you work. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

I like your header/photo. 👍🍀💕

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3 years ago

Thanks for your advice. Actually, I am searching for new opportunities right now. And doing some online earnings. So if ever it will go smoothly, maybe I can stop working and focus on what is needed to do. Im so tired of having a boss. Good for you that you did not experienced what I am experiencing right now. So tiring really but life must go on so hoping for the best. 😆

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3 years ago