Time Travel

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2 years ago

Time has always been precious to us humans. Practically everything is based on time, and used to plan our day to day activities. An even more interesting time concept is Time Travelling. You see, the trick with time is: once spent, it can never be regained. Time has lead to the formation of Past, Present and Future.

With the past being time we have spent, the present being time we are spending, and the future being time we will have to spend. Let’s just say time is a universal currency which everyone has equal amount of, and the difference is the manner or way every individual choose to spend the time they have.

People have always believed that the breakthrough discovery for the human race would be time travelling. Something no one has been able to achieve from time immemorial. Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the 19th century had proposed that time travelling would be possible only if humans could travel at the speed of light.

Now, the problem is can our body sustain travelling at the speed of light? Only light has travelled at that speed, and since humans haven’t, there has only been mere speculations about what the effect would be to the human body, and it is not a positive one. Not that the technology can’t be created to nullify the effect.

NOTE: the speed of light is accurately 299,792,458 meters per second. That’s approximately 300 million meters in one second.

If we lived in a world where time travelling was possible, many people would have gone back in time to change one thing or the other. Maybe buy a lot of Bitcoin ten or eleven years ago. Maybe take back what they said to someone out of anger. Maybe say “hi” to that girl they liked but never spoke to. Perhaps take that risk they contemplated but never took and it paid off in the end.

That is not the end, a lot of people will also travel to the future, to see what their life turned out to be, if all their hard work and risk paid off in the end, how their family life turned out to be, and if they were truly happy.

But would our life have meaning if it were programmed like that? Every thing already predetermined. Isn’t the uncertainty of the future one of the factor we strive against? To pave the path to our future by our actions of the present, hoping it all goes well. Isn’t that one of the adventure of life?


Maybe the only time travel human will ever make is one from one time zone to another. Say travelling from Australia to USA that’s over 10 hours difference, so it is technically travelling back in time.

Although, I believe a breakthrough in time travelling would help humans travel in space. Explore other galaxies millions of light-years away, and perhaps we could meet really see if we’re alone in the universe or not.

P.S. : people have often mistaken the term ‘light-year’ as a unit of time. It is a unit of distance. It is the distance it would take a light beam to travel in 365 days (a year). You can imagine how long the distance is since light beam is travelling at approximately 300 million meters per second.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Time travel is possible and it already happened. Historical incidents say so.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Really? I didn't know about that. Care to share?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Time traveling, I wonder if that is eve going to happen in reality. I can only imagine what kinda power people will have when is possible to time travel.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I know right, it will be a lot of power

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So far there is only speculation as to whether or not time has been traveled, whether or not it will be possible to travel. In the meantime let's continue to enjoy the only travel we do have as you say, that of the time zone. Lol.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehe. Absolutely, imagine celebrating two New Year's because you travelled from one time zone to another

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeh everyone would wish for that but it's impossible to go back to change certain happenings in our past.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I suppose that's a view to look at it from. If we could travel back in time, can we change what happened in the past

$ 0.00
2 years ago