More than Bitcoin Cash

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Written by
2 years ago

Bitcoin Cash and cryptocurrency as a whole I have observed to be a trending topic on the platform. I am particularly in awe of the things I have learnt about BCH and crypto in just over 48 hours that I have been going through articles and comments on articles.

The awareness and exposure I have gotten in such a short period of time is quite overwhelming. I have read som article entries for the ongoing #MythBurstingCompetition by @SofiaCBCH . Unfortunately, there isn't much I know about Bitcoin and crypto, but this platform has been an eye opener, and I know there's still much to learn.

Article entries I have read and are worthy of note include ones by @HappyBoy , he talks about how there are propaganda against flipstarters (Which I had no idea of until I read about it in his article) campaigning for the promotion of cryptocurrencies to downplay their efforts. You can read it here. Also, that made by @FarmGirl, that explains the many uses of crypto, and how merchants are adopting it as a means of payment, you can read it here. And that by @Giddyboy that emphasizes the easy-to-use characteristic of Bitcoin and how many like myself have the erroneous impression that you need a special skill like knowledge of programming to use Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies click here to read it.

While the platform has served as a means for newbies like me to learn about the world of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin Cash, the knowledge I have been exposed to in less than three days here is not limited to just the crypto world, as I have come across many articles about personal experiences and life in general. And the life lessons and wisdom I found in these articles are of extreme value and importance, as they have re-shaped my perception of certain things and also gave a birth to new perspectives.

I have joined several communities I reckon are there to serve specific purposes, and hope as time goes on, I learn more and more and see the world through the eyes of different people, views shaped by their personal experiences and perception, culture, tradition and beliefs.

I have been a preacher of something this platform clearly rewards, and that is CONSISTENCY. I have observed users who have been consistent in their writing and interactions, and tht is something I aim to emulate. I had read all the welcome post and articles sent to me and that have driven me to set goals I hope to achieve as time goes on. As to achieve a long term goal, one has to achieve a series of short term goals.

The essence of writing to to reach out to audience, and I have set a goal for a number of subscribers I hope to have by the end of the year. But to be listened to, you have to first listen to those who have been there before yo. Which is why I have subscribed to other users too. So I can read their stories and interact with them, make contributions when I have one and ask questions when I am have any.

I hope to create good original contents and be encouraged by other users too however way that can. Because encouraging people goes a long way.

In conclusion, It is a day to Christmas, and I hope you are happy and having a good tim? I am spending Christmas with family as I have always done and it is nice having everyone around for the Yuletide. It is about a week to the end of the year, and I want to use this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year in advance.

Don't forget to subscribe if you like my content

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

$ 3.62
$ 3.42 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.05 from @HappyBoy
+ 2
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Written by
2 years ago


It is really a good read

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you my friend. I appreciate your kind words

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad you found the articles helpful and that you are learning something from them :) Thank you for the mention :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Always a pleasure FarmGirl. Thank you too. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago