Yuima kyõ

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3 years ago

Gud eve everyone! Here I am again,To share the 2nd part of the story of Vimalakirti sutra,the Yuima kyõ.

Yuima kyõ was translated first by kumãrajīva,who came to china in A.D. 401. Owing to its deep philosophical and religious insight and also probablyto its dramatic settingband fine literary quality.the sutrā has wielded great spiritual and intellectual influence not only in japan but in china.the knowledge of its teaching will surely facilitate our understanding of buddhism.it is not exactly known when this sutrā was compiled in india.this much we can say,thatbthe compilation took place prior to Nãgãrjuna,that is ,some time at the beggining of christian era.the principal figure of the sutrā is Yuima,who is described as a wealthy householder of Vaiśālī in the time of the buddha.he was throughly versed in Mahayana philosophy.he was a great philantrophist and as astute buddhist philosopher.

The buddha learning of this ,wanted to send one of his disciples to Yuima.after this they all,including Yuima the great philosopher saint,appear before the buddha,who then tells them about the country from which Yuima comes.the sutrā concludes with the usual request of the buddha for continuance of the dharma on this earth and the promise of all those who are present at the aseembly to follow the buddha's injucntions.

Thanks everyone!Have a good day!


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