Dengue fever getting your facts straight

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3 years ago

DENGUE FEVER is a viral infection, transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito.

The mosquito responsible for the transmission is a day biting mosquito. About 7 to 10 days after getting bitten, the patient will develop of symptoms of high-grade fever, associated with chills, muscle and joint pains, severe headache, rashes, sore throat and weakness.

How to treat dengue

Treatment is largely supportive with the use of oral fluids for hydration and paracetamol for pain and fever.aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflamatory agents are not advised for dengue patients as they may cause bleeding problems.more severe cases will require hospitalization .prevention can be achieved with the use of vaccines. Philippines was fortunate to have been the first country in the world to have access to the first anti-dengue vaccine.which was launched last february, 2016.

Traditional herbs have been used as treatments for dengue .these include papaya leaf juice, tawa tawa plant, sweet potato leaves and moringa leaf. They help increase the patient 's blood production, platelet count and improve immunity against virus.

So you should always clean the house and cover the buckets with water so that they do not lay eggs or live in mosquitos..

Thanks everyone and always tc..

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Written by
3 years ago


Quite enlightening. Are you a nurse?

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3 years ago

Thank you for commenting,.no, im not a nurse. I have only knowledge of such things. Im a quality control.and I am also a member of a networking about herbal medicine..

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3 years ago


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3 years ago