When You Believe

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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago

Have you experienced that you thought your problems never ended? Like, you still have problems then here's again another added. Did you ever feel to quit because you thought you can't do it? That you don't have someone to call and all you can do is just cry until your eyes dried up. That you only stopped crying because no tears are coming at all anymore. Is there a time you feel that your useless cause you can't do anything to make things fine?

When I was a child, my parents were so religious. My parents are members of the said group called Couples For Christ. They always have this so-called prayer meeting with every household member. They're helping each other when someone needed some help. Every Christmas, they have this party and for me, it was the best party I had attended especially that I was a child at that time.

My mother and I also were members of the Legion of Mary where we have a rosary prayer every Sunday in the morning before the mass started. I was a member until I'm a high schooler.

Our faith was been tested when I was a third-year high school. My mom was sicked that time and we learned that she has myoma.

An image of the uterus having a myoma.
  • According to doctors and researchers, Myomas are smooth, noncancerous tumors that may develop in or around the uterus. Made partly of muscle tissue, myomas seldom develop in the cervix, but when they do, there are usually myomas in the larger, upper part of the uterus as well. (i) Myomas in this part of the uterus are also called fibroids or leiomyomas. [You can visit this link for more info: https://www.azuravascularcare.com/infoufe/what-is-a-myoma/ , I also git the picture in that link.]

When my mother felt the symptoms like having heavy bleeding that sometimes stops after 3 weeks or months, we got worried especially when she felt the pain and she's weak. And when we hold her abdomen, we can feel a lump on it. So, we went to the clinic of a doctor. I already forgot the name of that doctor. There, she underwent an ultrasound. My mom and the doctor talked inside and I was not allowed to get in so I waited outside of the clinic cause there was no vacant seat inside. When my mom went out, I saw how sad she was and I know she's afraid. We went to the Cathedral and there we lighted a candle and pray. I just observed my mom until we went home.

When we got home, my mother talked to my father first. When they're done, they talked to us, me and my siblings. They told us about mom having a myoma. We cried for we were so afraid for her. My father told us to stop crying cause it can't help us. He also scolded me cause I cried a lot and they knew that I collapsed and sometimes can't breathe properly if I cried so much. I tried my self to calm myself and think positively only. So, we continued listening to them. My mom told us that the doctor suggested that she should undergo surgery to get the myoma in her uterus. My father asked how much money was needed so that he can find ways. When my mom said we needed 20,000php, our world stopped cause how and where can we find such a big amount. My father at that time has no work and working on the farm for us to have something to eat. My mom told my father that she will not undergo surgery and that she'll try natural medicine. My father was hesitant and he told mom he'll find ways.

My father planned to borrow money from his friends but they also have nothing. He tried to borrow from other people but they didn't lend him. So, my mom tried to intake herbs where she learned from her deceased father. She tried drinking boiled leaves of herbs like guyabano, malunggay, and many more. She also tried to intake MX3.

While treating herself at home through those herbs and MX3, she always went to church and has been more religious than before. She even joined the Divine Mercy group where they have prayer meetings every 3 Am in the dawn. They have petitions and many activities during their prayer meeting. They also have this so-called pray over where a person will sit in the middle and they will put their hands on her head and pray for recovery and anything that would make a person better. Since then, my mom being so religious and she taught us too.

After how many days and months, we saw the changes in our mother. She's been lively and not weak anymore. When we touch her abdomen, we can't feel any lump there. "Thanks be to God." That's what we always say. Until now, my mom is so strong and healthy. I remembered that the doctor said she should undergo surgery because she might die after 2 years if the myoma will not be removed. But thank Jesus Christ and she's okay now.

It's already 11 years since it happened. And many trials had been encountered. Yet, we stand strong. As long as you believe, everything will be fine. Every time we have a problem, all I say to myself is that God will not give me this challenge that I can't conquer. I just need to believe and trust Him.

Cover photo from Unsplash


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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago


I'm glad that the sick of your mother is non-cancerous so the sickness will heal in the process and I'm happy that all of you succeed the challenges of your faith.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes. So much blessings we had. As long as we trust Him. He will be there for always. ☺ Thank you btw. ☺

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Been i such situation too. Let us just continue to believe and trust Him.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes .. Always. 😇

$ 0.00
3 years ago