The Return of Forgiving. I and my sister's story.

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3 years ago

I am not a perfect person cause I know, no one's perfect. I sinned. I did a mistake. I stumbled. I sometimes lost. But then, here I am. Blessed as always. I felt how loved I am.

In my previous article, I had mentioned that we're not in a good relationship with my sister before because of his ex. Let me tell you why.

My sister had a relationship before with a man who's evil enough to bring havoc to our family. He was my sister's ex-boyfriend and the father of my niece. We didn't know that they had a relationship for almost a month. They hide it from us. That guy was also the one who likes me when I was a third-year high school but I showed him I don't like him and never tried to talk to him though he always went to our house because he is an electric reader and the one who'll give the electricity bill. When he's reading our electric bill, I will run to my room and hide just to not show his face in front of me. Years past and then we learned that they're in a relationship with my cousin. They're in a relationship for almost a year but then, my cousin broke up with him because he's bribing my cousin's parents. After all, he wants already to marry my cousin but my cousin doesn't want to. He's a playboy. We already learned that he had a live-in partner before but died because of him. That is why I don't like him, even to see his face.

Years passed, I am already 2nd-year college at that time when we learned about their relationship. They hide it from us for months. We never thought that my sister will be his next victim. It was already 6 years past when he showed he likes me and 5 yrs when they broke up with my cousin. We also knew that he has children with different women but he did not take the responsibility. How cruel he is.

When my father found out. He told my sister to stay away from that man. But then my sister was blinded at that time. She always went out with that man when my father was at work and only my Mom at the house. My sister at that time is only 18 years old. I also learned that the man taught my sister how to be a liar. I accidentally opened the Facebook my sister was using. It was my old Facebook she'd been using and the password was still the same. When I opened the messenger, I read their conversation. There I found out that the man told my sister to cut herself when my father won't allow them to be together. He also told my sister that he'll get her and that they will live together. I don't know what had happened to my sister because she's not like the kind of girl that easily said yes to anything other people would say. But with that man, she easily said yes and without even explanation. I told my father about it through call but I was late. Because the time that I read their conversation, my sister ran away with that man. I was shocked and can't say anything. I know my father was badly hurt and that it was the reason my father got mad with my Mom. It is because, for him, it was my Mom's fault. For me, it is not my Mom's fault because Mama was always on the farm to take good care of our crops. I told Papa not to get mad with Mama. I was torn between them. I felt pity for them and hatred for my sister.

Early in the morning, I received a message from the guys. He was so angry that he showed how foul his mouth was. He even sends me nude pictures of a man and some genital area. I was shocked and almost puke when he send me those. I blocked him but I save all his message and send it to our captain. I am planning to sue him but I can't because I am busy with my studies. My father told me that he will do everything to make that man pay. I was afraid for my father so I always told him that I and my two siblings were still here for him. And that my sister will come back home to us. Yes, I am so mad with her but I can't see my parents suffer.

Since then, I felt that my family changed a lot. The happy family was now ruined. Because of that guy. Two months passed and my sister went home and asked forgiveness. Because the parents of the guy were not good to her. My parents felt pity for her and accept her. It was true that a parent cannot bear their child to suffer so they accept her. I still don't believe my sister that time because I can't see her changing and back to normal. And I was right, after another two months, she came back to the guy. And this time she was impregnated by that man. And unfortunately, the man won't take responsibility because, for him, it was not his. How cruel he is. My sister went home to our house but my father did not let her in this time. She didn't also tell me that she's pregnant. She went to Manila and lived with my father's sister. They didn't know the real situation. They got mad at me. Yes, to me because my sister said bad things about me and that I am our father's favorite child. I didn't mind them and just focus on my study. I out in mind before that yes, she might be my sister but the time will come that we will live separately and find our destiny to live.

It was already 4 months passed and her tummy was getting big. When my Aunt told Papa that my sister needs them. That she wants to home. Since my father was so kind and she's still their daughter, he said it's okay and she can come home. It was the time that I did not go home to our house for almost 5 months. I only went home during Christmas. I thought I will not able to forgive my sister. Yet, when I saw her, I felt pity for her. Christmas day, we reconciled and forgive each other. It was a good feeling. It still took months before I trust her again. I saw my old sister back. I missed her.

When she gave birth to her daughter, it was her worst day because she labored for four days. She even always called me and asked for forgiveness. She said that maybe I still didn't forgive her because she's suffering during labor. I said put the phone on her tummy and there I talked to his baby like crazy. After that talk, my father also talks to the baby and said to came out and never let her Mom suffer. After that words, the baby came out. We're afraid my sister to die that time because according to my father, my sister was so pale and weak. She even told Papa that she's tired and wants to rest. But still, she made it. My niece now is already 3 years old. A very charming little girl. My parents were the ones who take good care of her.

After two years, my sister found a new guy. The guy was so kind. I knew the guy because we're in the same school during my high school days and his sister was my classmate. They are now living together. And today, my sister gave birth to their son. I am so happy that she found a good guy who will accept her after what she'd been through. The guy who will accept her past. The guy who is the opposite of her past. I saw how happy my sister now. I also noticed how Kuya loved my sister despite having a child from her previous relationship. He also loves our niece. Though he likes to get our niece and live with them, my parents don't want to.


Forgiveness is the key to have peace in life. Acceptance of the mistakes made you learn from them. I am not a perfect sister but I can't endure the pain I felt seeing my siblings in hardships. Someday, when I reach my goals, I will help my siblings to reach theirs.

Cover photo from Unsplash.

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3 years ago


Time does heal wounds. At the same time, it gives a person the opportunity to take stock of their life, what they've done wrong, who they've hurt and perhaps how to repair damaged relationships. You are fortunate it did not take very long for you and your sister to make up, and for her to have found a better man.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Well, actually it took 1 year and months before we get to get together again. Because I was badly hurt of what she had done to our family. I am not the victim actually here but my parents that's why I got mad of her that much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are others who take years and years before they are able to patch up their disagreements. And I understand your anger, because you were also hurt for what had been done to your parents.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes, that's true. But I thought that time if I will not be reconciled with my sister, for sure my parents will be hurt too. Because no parents would like to see their children, not in a good relationship. All I think that time was my parents.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have been good daughter, so I am sure your parents are proud of you. It takes a huge heart to be humble, and you simply showed you are the bigger person by forgiving.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you 😊 I just freed myself from the hatred that's why. It's so hard to live life with hatred within .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

good community

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No parent tolerates their children. No matter how serious the sin they committed. Happy for your sister ...

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Salamat 💜😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wala pong anuman 😊👌

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oo nga ehh. Subra, grabe yong kasalanan ng Kapatid ko dati. Tapos inulit nya twice. Pero ayun, tinanggap pa rin siya. Tas yung anak nya nasa parents ko.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Until now ganun pa din po ba ate mo? Pano po yun dumedepende pa din sya sa parent mo?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hindi na. Ako ang panganay. Natuto na sya. May sarili na sya pamilya. Nakabukod na sya kasama ang asawa nya ngayon. Pero ang panganay nya nasa mga magulang ko.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ngek akala ko ate mo sya.. 😅 Tama lang naman po yung ganun na bumukod na sila. Unang apo po ba?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oo .. Di kasi pinanagutan nung unang lalaki.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kups pala yung unang lalaki eh sarap bigwasan 😑

$ 0.00
3 years ago