My Godparents

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3 years ago

What does Godparent mean? How can you say that your Godparent is a good godparent or not? Do they give you material things? How about money? Do you have many godparents? Are you happy having more godparents?

I have 9 godparents, that's what my parents told me. I was baptized in Manila where we lived before we came here to my mother's hometown. Though they are nine of them, I only knew three. One godfather and two godmothers, and I am not close to my one godmother which is living in the next barangay. My Ninong and other Ninang were our neighbors. They are cousins of my mother.

My Ninong is working as a driver of the Mayor of the town. He's kind and generous to me. He will give me a gift during Christmas when I was a child. Even when I was a high schooler. I like him because he's a responsible father to his children. He also visits our house and asks my Papa to have fun. They will have to sing along in our house. For me, gifts are not important. Glad that my Ninong will advise me on how to handle life. Especially when my father scolded me sometimes. My Ninong will say that my father loves me that's why he always reprimand me when I made mistakes. That my father won't like me to be out of the way where I will be a dump into worst.

My Ninang Elbing, who's close to me is my favorite of all. She's my mother's cousin/best friend. She was the one who was with mama during my mom had labored for me. She was the one who assessing mama while my father was at work. I love my Ninang Elbing. Though they're not rich, she's willing to help. Her husband Ninong Edwin is also a kind man. They have two sons. Every time they have food on their table they will call me and my siblings to eat in their house. Though the viand is vegetables or fish, we're happy because my parents sometimes can't afford to buy. They have a little farm, they plants vegetables. Every time they harvest they will give us vegetables to cook. I am grateful for them. Sometimes Ninang will call me to their house, there we talked about life and what are my plan. She always gave me advice and that I should not lose hope. She also told me that if ever I reached my goals, she hopes that I won't forget here.

One time, during my college days, she went to Pampanga. We had no contacts at all. She called me on the phone and I was not able to answer it. She texted me it was her. So I called her and said sorry. Though she's far, she didn't forget to ask how I am. There was a time that I was so busy. She called me but was not able to answer her call, and I forget to text her. I didn't know she was disappointed. Didn't know she went home together with her family. I went to their house when she suddenly cried. I am a fourth-year college student at that time. She said that she thought I already forget her and she told me about the call. I told her, of course not. She then said that she's happy that I still remember her.

I promised myself before that if I reached my goals in life, I will not forget her. If I had given them a chance to earn more, I will help her financially because they're also don't have someone to lean on.

What I learned from my godparents is that I should not give up and quit in life. Never forget those people who helped you when you have nothing.

It's not the material you gave that would tell how good godparents you are. It is on how you manage to give time to talk with your godchildren and be there when they need someone to talk with. Good godparents will guide and teach their godchildren to be good individuals in society.

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3 years ago


Why do we have so many godparents only to never see them again right? Hahaha I think in other countries, the parents of the children only pick one person to be the kid's godparent..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True. Hahaha They're only present during the baptism but after that, they can't be found. Some also were not available to talk with and worst they don't want to talk to us. 😅🤦‍♀️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahah I blame our parents for that. hahhah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahahaaha that's why when I have a child in the future, I will choose those who are willing tk be there for my child

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha that should always be the case. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago