I've dreamt of you.

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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago

Had you ever experienced dreaming of someone or something you had before? I mean, that precious one you had before?

I had a boyfriend before and we're now off. We're best friends before we got into a relationship. I don't know if we had a relationship before because he said we had. He was so caring and concerned for me. I always depend on him. He is like shining armor and a prince for me, lol. It may be the effect of watching a fairytale.

My ex-boyfriend was close with my parents maybe because our parents were friends too. They thought that we're forever, chaaarr, lol. We hang out together with our friends. Have some food trips and road trips. All the good memories were there. And only one of the sad memories I cannot forget.

I know he was happy now with his new girl. And, I don't know why I felt happy for them, lol. Martyr! No, I am just a sport and I accepted already that we're not meant to be. We haven't seen for years now. He's a policeman now and has been working in Samar I guess. Oops! Don't think that way to me, I am not updated, it's just my parents told me so and her sister, lol.

They were one of the reasons why I chose to study away from our home town. It is because I don't see them before if K chose to study there in one school. Overacting right? Maybe because I was just hurt that time. I didn't expect that we're going to be apart just because of a girl.

Want to know why we broke up? Naah, I don't want to talk about it anymore. I already moved on and I have the love of my life now. The one who's been there for me and chose to love me with all my imperfections. I have already a boyfriend now who shows me how he loves me so much. He had done anything for me just to forget my ex. We are now 6 years in a relationship. We had encountered many trials in our relationship.

I thought I will not able to move on with my ex-boyfriend. It is because I had cried so much about him and our relationship. I was devastated and can't accept the fact that he betrayed me. Even our parents can't believe what had happened to us. His parents were still good to me. They want me to visit their house but I chose not to in respect to the girl who might get hurt if I go there.

When my boyfriend courted me before, I wasn't yet moved on that time and it was like a year after we broke up with my ex. I know that it was unfair to my boyfriend that I said yes to him though I don't love him I like him that time, I just can't explain the feeling because it's not the same as what I felt with my ex. I told myself before that I will accept and said yes to my boyfriend so that I can move on. Yes, I used him to move on. But what I did not expect is that I fall for my boyfriend in less than a week. It is because he was so kind and caring. We were both college students at that time with the same organization. He showed me how a boyfriend was. Yes, my ex also showed me he loves me but they're different. So different. Until now, I am madly in love with my boyfriend, he didn't change and still loving me despite the attitude I have. I am blessed to have him. My parents also love him. My ex and my boyfriend already met and they jive, lol. I done know why they got friends and they liked each other's company. It was during our fiesta in our barangay and my ex went to our home with his parents. My boyfriend and he talked like their friends and I am like, what? I am out of place at that time. So happy that everything was okay and back to normal.

These past few weeks, I don't know why I dreamt of my ex. I felt shy of myself and to my boyfriend why I had a dream of him. We're just talking in my dreams. It was like we're friends. I felt like I am betraying my boyfriend because of it. I don't want to dream about him. I don't want to hurt my boyfriend. I love him so much and I don't want him to think that I still have not moved on because I did already.

Now, I am browsing the internet what's the meaning of it. But it has lots of opinions there so I just leave it there and do not think about it.

Did you ever experienced like mine? If so, you are welcome to write a comment, lol.

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3 years ago


We have no influence on dreams.Dreams happens in deep sleep.They are signals that happen in our brain and body.So,do not worry dear.You do not cheat your boyfriend with your dream.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahwwtts!! Thank you so much. At least I felt relieved now. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice story

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. 😊Just trying myself out in writing here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Do more article you have a nice talent to write

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Well, thank you. 😊 I will surely write more because it's a big helo for me and family. Especially now that I am unemployed .

$ 0.00
3 years ago