How to accept 'Correction'? Own thought.

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3 years ago

Have you experienced to be corrected? How did you accept correction from others? Will you able to accept correction or not? How will you differentiate correction from criticizing?

We knew the sometimes correction is kinda painful and offensive, right? Like you will feel you are so low and you will think of negative things. Sometimes when we're corrected, our pride will activate on it's own without permission from you. Like, where did it came from? And with it, we will not accept others correction and we felt like we're been criticized. There will be a big tendency that instead to accept correction, your pride takes place that will make you mad to the person who corrected you. But if you are wise enough, you will admit that you're wrong and accept the correction and live in it. You will admit your mistake and you will consider the correction made by others for you. Because if you will not accept correction, you will be boastful and will never improve. But if you'll be humble of others and to yourself, you'll admit it and start to change from wrong, with it you will be successful and be matured.

But how will you cope? I mean, how will you differentiate correction from criticizing? Of course, we people were not dumb. We can easily tell that we were being played foul, right? If the words were in good tone, then it is a correction but if the tone is like mocking you then it's criticizing. Sometimes, correction will make your self esteem low, it is because you're not mature enough and this means you didn't accept correction. The correction made was send you like it was a criticizing. Try to be open minded and accept mistake.

When I was a teenager, I was being corrected with my father. I still remember it was about chess, I never thought that he knew about chess. I was so confident that time. I am trying to explain with my siblings on how to play it. But then my father intervene during my lecture to my siblings. And the argument started. I was a little offended that time, and I can't accept his opinion. I told myself that time that I knew it because we just had a class about it. But then the next day, I found out that my father was right. I was a little embarrassed but I didn't show it to father. I, again, taught my siblings and this time I followed my father's suggestion. I know that he already knew that I accept his correction that time. And since that day, I always consider my parents correction especially about academic. Maybe, the reason why I wasn't accept my father's correction because I felt that I knew better than him because I am the one who was studying. I admit my mistake that time and felt disgust of myself for thinking that way to my parents. Since that day, I felt so proud of my parents because though they're not able to enter high school they're good in academic.

Proverbs 12:1 "Whoever loves instruction, love knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid."

What I learned with this proverbs is that if you love to knowledgeable, you should accept correction. It doesn't mean that you already knew something, you knew everything. You should accept correction despite the fact that you know something about something because maybe you knew about it but still lacking. Accept correction even if it's painful. Why? Because with those correction you will able to be guided in to the good way where you'll be successful. The pain will fade as times goes by and when you witness the good changes from you. Don't think that all corrections are criticism, let us be more open minded and try to weigh if the word is correction or criticizing.

Correction is good for success. It will lead you to be on the right track.

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3 years ago


Ahyy oo, dapat din matuto tayo tumanggap ng correction sa iba para naman malaman natin kung saan tayo nagkalamali. At through correction, sa next na step, alam na natin at para d na natin ulit gawin

$ 0.00
3 years ago

when i was younger, i don't feel like being corrected and if someone do i get irritated but as we grow older we get to learn all things about life and know how to accept criticism.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me sir, criticism is way far from being corrected. Kasi sa criticism, yung point nila is hindi correction ehh, bali they mocked you. Kaya na differentiate ko kung alin yung e accept .

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3 years ago

yes it really is far different but if you are being criticized for your words or actions whether constructive or destructive, you will look back at things and make changes, you will have to correct yourself instead.

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3 years ago

Ahh oo naman. Depende din sa ginawa mo kung may mali. Mag look back po talaga after. Kaya ni coconsider ko yung sinasabi ng iba talaga kung saan ako nagkakamali.

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3 years ago