A wish not for me.

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3 years ago

What's your ultimate wish? Did you ever wish for something that is not for yourself? Have you wished for other people?

Every person has this wish for their lives. Some for their own, their family, and friends.

I have lots of wishes, but the most I am been praying is that "I wish and pray that my parents are still alive when I am successful". I want them to be there when I have already achieved my goals. I am been doing my best for them.

I think I am being their good girl since I was a child. Been doing things that won't make them angry and disappointed. All I've been doing are for them. I want them to live life with joy and they deserve it.

My parents are not demanding. They didn't pressure me to work, unlike my neighbors who have been pushing their children to work. Yes, we're just poor. No owned properties and our house was not yet paid fully. Our house was still not done and I need to work more to earn for the house renovation.

I also want to support my siblings' studies which I'd promised to my parents. I don't want to break that promise I made. I don't like seeing my siblings not finished their studies. Life is so hard, it's so hard to find work when you're not a college graduate. Even college graduates finding it so difficult to find a job, how about those who weren't able to finish their studies, right? Like me, I am a graduate yet, I am still unemployed. Cause it doesn't mean that you are a graduate, you can have it all. No, you need to work hard and it is in a person's ability to find ways to be successful. Yet, though I know that saying, I still want my siblings to graduate from college. And when my siblings graduate, I'll have someone to help to take good care of our parents. We will help hand in hand to reach our goals for our parents.

Since I was a child, I am been dreaming and planning about what will I do to my parents and how can I give them a good life. Why am I like this? Maybe because I saw how they work hard for us my siblings to live. I saw how they find ways for us to have food on our table. I never saw my parents be fat. They are both thin. Every time that I saw their figure, all I want to do is to make them healthy and good-looking bodies. You can mirror with their bodies that they experience hardships in life.

Since I graduated, I will buy them both vitamins when I have money. I want them to be healthy. I am just glad that my mom knows about herbs that will help to cleanse the body's toxins. She learned it from her father.

I want them to live life to the fullest. I want them to experience outings and relax. Ever since we haven't tried to have a vacation together with my family because we don't have enough money. Sometimes I felt envy for my classmates who can have a vacation with their family during the summer or Christmas seasons. How I wish, I will able to treat my parents someday. It is one of the reasons why I am frustrated to have a job. Because I want to treat my parents and give them a good life.

I am always thinking about how it feels to give my parents the first salary I will receive from my work. If that day comes, I will be the happiest human in the world. I always looking for it. I had given them my of my earnings here on this platform and noise, they looked happy. But I also want to look at how happy they will be if I am working in my field of the profession they push me through. The profession they want for me. They were so proud of being able to let their child graduate from college. They can't believe it. So, I will make them happier when I started to teach in a public school. I claim it now. With the help of Jesus Christ, I am praying this prayer and wishes to happen.


Cover photo from Unsplash


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3 years ago
