What is Earth 2?

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3 years ago
Earth 2

Have you ever imagined a Earth like the one we are living? Living and interacting with someone in a another dimension just like the Planet Earth that we have. Like living inside a game or just like the movies The Matrix and Ready Player One.

The Earth2 is a digital world scaled 1:1 with our planet Earth. Places on both Earth2 and Earth are in the same location because of the Earth 2 digital grid system which is geographically linked to the world that we have been living in. The Earth2 Terrain is able to render the entire Earth with extreme terrain and vegetation details which is not seen in any game so expect it to be so realistic.

The Creators of Earth 2 also launched a Web app which provides user the possibility of buying, selling or bidding on virtual land.

It's Vision is to create a global digital representation of our Earth, a place where people can build, trade, live, experience, and much more.

So who are these persons behind Earth 2?

Shane Isaac - With over 20 years experience in development, product development and management, Shane has an avid passion for big concepts and thinking outside the box. He has a burning desire to develop Earth 2 into an alternate digital reality, a reality people can literally feel around their physical presence anywhere in the world. Shane is the driving force that brings a star studded team of professionals together for the common cause of creating the Earth 2 platform for millions around the world.


Wolfgang Walk - Gameplay concept and design

Nathaniel Doldersum - Lead Game Developer

Stojce Slavkovski - DevOps, Advisory

Rogerio Rocha - Lead Developer

Steve Bennett - MapBox Guru

Samuel Dale - FE Developer, UI/UX

"Earth2 is the beginning of our World's Future virtual existence"

Interested? Check them out Using this link

How-to: https://earth2.io/tutorials

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3 years ago
