Get Happy Life

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Avatar for Ahtishamyt
2 years ago

24 March 2022


Hello guys

Now we all are sad for some reason some people sad because breakup and some people sad for work etc many reasons for sadness and today I will show you some tips to become happy in your life.


Make friend in your life if you spend time with your friend you are a very happy person make best friend and playing game like football,cricket,basketball and Tennis Etc and you also play mobile game with your friend but i will recommend you play real game in ground and you also joking with your friend to remove all your sadness friend is very important for us some people have best friend but some people have no.

Bad Friend

This is the type of friend are bad because he will break your heart and this type of friend ignore you and fight with you and if you get a happy life so don't make this type of friend if this type of friend ignore you I think much people are sad and crying I will recommend you don't be sad for some bad people and don't make this type of friend who ignore you.


In morning first go to walk and do exercise this make you fit and if you are sad in morning you also do meditation for ten to twenty minutes this make your brain good and you feel fresh meditation is a good exercise for our brain meditation also help in depression and anxiety those people who is a anxiety patient I will recommend you daily do meditation and exercise in morning and take a shower this make you fresh for all day.

Break Fast

If you do exercise and meditation in morning then eat your breakfast and make healthy breakfast like bread eggs etc if you make your life happy than eat best food it also make you fresh and charge you water and food charge human if we don't drink six to ten glass water daily we are sick and many other things so daily drink water and eat good food for your health.


First do exercise in morning and do meditation and take a shower and then eat good food and in dinner you also eat good and healthy food to safe from virus and if you eat your food then walk at least ten to twenty minutes and sleep is very important for us sleep also clean our virus etc and sleep for minimum six hour daily if you sleep three hour you are sick soon so don't sleep half time sleep Minimum six hour for good health and sleep and water is very important for us.

Good Night

If you do meditation and exercise in morning and take a shower and eat good food for good health Then Time is for sleep I will recommend you Minimum sleep six hour or above and don't crying in night for sad thing you don't remind for past sad thing sleep with happiness.

Good Morning

Sleep is important and sleep with happiness don't with sadness or crying if you follow my all tips you remove your old sad memory and start your life with happiness and we all have good or bad friend so don't crying for friends if you don't have friends so don't worries start your day with your family etc and I hope this article makes your life happy .

I will recommend you play support it make you fresh and make your body good and my favorite support is cricket and football I play football with my brother and I have no best friend but I don't sad and I play sometime with my brother and don't sleep all time in house because it make you lazy.


Follow my all tips and start your work example school and college and your work or business so don't sad and start your new life with happiness or eat good food and drinks beat filter water and do meditation and also sleep six hour in a day this make your day good and I hope you like this tips.

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Avatar for Ahtishamyt
2 years ago
