Education is the back bone of any nation. Without education no nation can prosper. So, e-leaning process plays an important role for spreading education among role.
E-learning is various kinds of electronic media and information and communication technology in education. In this process students must be first equipped with basic knowledge of technology such as computer, the internet etc. It can occur in or out of class. It can be self-paced. But it can be face to face learning, that is it can be done in a Conventional way with the support of technology. So, e-learning is the latest and most refined mode of education. Which is basically processed through an electronic device in general and the internet in particular.
The revolutionary concept of E-learning is in its initial phase in many countries of the world. It prospect is bright in Bangladesh. We expect the south Asian's first virtual University here.
Yes you are right. We should use technology properly to improve and easy learning system.