Deforestation: A Big Problem Now and in the Future

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1 year ago

In the modern world, there are lots of things to worry about — disease, terrorism, climate change — but most people take it easy and live their lives in comfortable ignorance of global issues. But here’s one you should pay attention to: deforestation. This refers to the large-scale clearing of forests to make way for housing, factories and farms, among other things.

How much of our world has been destroyed?

Around two-thirds of our world has been destroyed by deforestation. In one year, trees are cut down at a rate of 6 acres every hour. At this pace, we will lose all of Earth's rainforest within 100 years if nothing is done to stop it.

The issue with deforestation is that animals and plants can't survive without their habitat. This means that as more trees are chopped down, there are fewer plants for other species to feed on and fewer places for them to live. The air quality also deteriorates because when forests get chopped down, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas which contributes to climate change and global warming. As a result of climate change, earth becomes less hospitable to life; habitats and food sources dry up or become too hot or too cold for most living things to survive there. Some people believe that humans should do whatever they can now before it's too late!

Why do we need forests?

Forests are an important part of our environment. They provide food, water, shelter, support for many animals and much more. Forests provide us with clean air and clean water. Forests also help to combat climate change by being a natural carbon sink - they help remove CO2 from the atmosphere which helps to reduce global warming. On top of all that, forests can be used as a renewable source of fuel for heat or electricity generation when we run out of fossil fuels such as coal or oil. Forests are truly essential for life on Earth, yet humans continue to cut them down at alarming rates. In the past half century alone, over 50% of the world’s original forest cover has been lost.

We need to protect these precious trees before it’s too late!

What are the consequences of deforestation?

One of the consequences of deforestation is that there are now more people than ever competing for natural resources. In other words, there are fewer trees to provide wood for construction, fuel, and paper. Forests act as carbon sinks by absorbing carbon dioxide which would otherwise be in the atmosphere. With less trees, this will create a situation where much more carbon dioxide will accumulate in the air causing global warming to accelerate even faster. The world population has increased from 1 billion to 7 billion in just over 200 years. There are now far more humans than before with no land available to grow food or build homes, especially in developing countries like Brazil, India, and China. It is clear that we must stop cutting down trees if we want to have an Earth with many different plant species and animals!

Is it too late to save our forests?

It is never too late to save our forests. It is possible if people continue to be aware of deforestation and the dangers it poses, but everyone has to do their part. It starts by making small changes that can have a big impact on our planet's future. For example, using less paper products like napkins, plates, cups and more reusable items like cloth napkins and reusable water bottles can significantly reduce one’s carbon footprint. Going car-free for one day a week also has an enormous effect on our air quality and climate change impacts. Lastly, keep your food scraps out of the landfill with composting! If you don't live near a city or town that offers curbside pickup of organic waste, then purchase and use an indoor composter or get a backyard composter to start turning your kitchen scraps into usable soil amendments.

A lot of people might not think these efforts will make much difference but every little bit helps!

How can I help?

We're not going to solve this problem with just one person's effort. The good news is that there are a lot of things that we can do as individuals to help. Here are some ways you can do your part today:

- Buy sustainable products from companies that have committed to producing them responsibly - The Rainforest Alliance has an extensive list of certified products, so check out their website to find something you like! - Reduce waste by bringing reusable bags when shopping or using items such as t-shirts instead of paper towels. - Plant trees and support organizations like Conservation International who work on reforestation efforts around the world

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1 year ago
