Points System Change due to Spammer

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Avatar for Agilaxxx
3 years ago

I thought under my observation last week I already fully understand the points system here but suddenly the freeze points open my eyes for all the aspect I'm still ignorant.

Many of you already experience for sure the freeze or low points after you gain a massive points from your past day.

You must wondering why ?

Let me explain base on my understanding about the explanation of the staff read.cash.

He said on mail there is only one reason why points increase it was due to upvotes of a POWER USER. means if your comments or article was upvoted by this people you can gain a massive points according to the system points. And you will not nor get any points if you cant trigger any on the picture below.

As you can see POWER USER is had massive effect for your gaining points. But the question is who is this people?

POWER USER can be you.

POWER USER can be me.

POWER USER can be someone.

Means all can be power user from this day or tomorrow depend on the the fact that how they act. And it rotate so no one can abused it according to there rules and only a little portion of user can hold that title in a day due to the limit of the fund they can accumulate to give.

They didn't give a significant criteria how to get that title but they only say that only "who is really giving effort will he given that title" you can read it for yourself below

So for the spammer or cheater it will be very big sorry to you. Also for those who is doing an article that was base only in trend or even click bait it will be disappointing to tell you. It only work at the start but once they discovered your article is not really interesting then gain a points because of click bait you'll be assure your points will be deducted in following days or get - balance.

They started to implemented little by little the rules since 3 months ago and upgrading and update on following months base on there discover. So cheater pls stop your action already affect thousand of user.

Reminder For those who can read this pls spread this and report the spammer, and any cheater. Or else look what it can be result for ignoring them below

Writers Note : above information is my own explaination base on my own understanding so you can conduct your own understanding and investigation about this.

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Avatar for Agilaxxx
3 years ago


I agree a power users upvote is a big help but the problem is we dont know them. But the best thing to do is to engage in conversations here in Read Cash. Thanks for explaining about this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That was the better way to do engage on other user. It can help you much in any other way such as

Give you experience in writing article. Learning how to build a good conversation. Reading article could give education too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I still don't understand this thing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It means you must be active and goid in commenting or writer of article so there is a chance your comment/article can get upvote and if that upvote came from power user there will be a massive points increase

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for this information. Though Ive been wondering also but decided to stay silent and observe until I read this article of yours. Now it makes sense why its been so hard to earn points recently. But Im just wondering about that power user,do we get notify if we get to be selected as one of the power user?and is that power user takes effect now?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There will no notification so it will be fair enough and hidden so spammers or cheaters cant do plan to use a power user to get abused. Imagined if they know who will is be power user then they gather on the article of that person and keep trying to interact or beg for upvote also its not staying in 1 person its randomly changed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So even us dont know if we were selected as power user and the one who will benefit the most is not the power user itself but to the other user that he/she will upvote?isnt that right?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its same because if 2 power user interact it can double the points. As they explain in that example if an article is 20 points then 10 thumbs which 1 power user will automatic gets 50 pts.

$ 0.00
3 years ago