Bitcoin's Life Changing Story

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3 years ago

Episode 1: Bitcoin and Pizza

If You are bitcoin fanatic, you might already heard about this story. A Story that made bitcoin to where it is right now and also story that change every crypto enthusiast life. You might find it funny or unrealistic but this is a story that really happen ages ago when bitcoin is trying to establish itself into digital financial world.

I would like to introduce the person who made the first ever bitcoin official transaction,(as far as i know). His name was Laszlo Hanyecz, On May 22 2010, He made the first ever real-world transaction of bitcoin by purchasing 2 box of pizza that is worth of 10,000 bitcoin. Yes!! you read it right 10,000 bitcoin, it might be worth over $50 million dollars as of today, but 10 years ago bitcoin was just less than a penny worth per bitcoin unit.

We can say that it is because of Hanyecz why bitcoin is on its place right now, It is because of him bitcoin became very well known in cryptocurrency wolrd. We should all thank this man for his guts to make the first step into the revolution of cryptocurrency, if this man didn't ever made that transaction, bitcoin might not even close in it's current status.

On that day his 10k bitcoin is only worth about $30 dollars,Hanyecz never thought that bitcoin will become the top crypto, that might be the reason why he did such thing, but based on him he never regret his decision. In one of his interview he said, “It was a really interesting system but nobody’s using it,” “If nobody’s using it, it doesn’t matter if I have it all.” he is absolutely right, what matter was is, you can use it, no matter how big you have you will never know the future.

Now, May 22 is celebrated as Bitcoin Pizza Day, a day to remember that there is someone and always be a someone who will start something for the benefits of many.

It is not hanyecz who's life had changed. It is the modern day crypto enthusiast who life was change because of certain someone who has guts to let the bitcoin gets it proper aknowledgement, It is us who's life change because he introduce to us how we can do something out of small thing and make it big. He teaches us a lesson that if you wont step forward, you wont move an inch and you will be stucked there forever.. no matter how small things you want to do if you ever not make a step then that will remain small...

$ 0.40
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3 years ago
