BCH is available now in PayPal

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3 years ago

PayPal is opening a path for BCH

A 346 Million people over the world that was active user of the giant online payments PayPal Holdings Incorporated would have a chance to be exposed from this day on the particular crypto currency that was offered by the new project of the company through partnership with the Paxos Crypto brokerage. And the good news is Bitcoin Cash was part of that project through this we could push much more the popularity of the bitcoin cash since it had much more advantages benefit rather than three other participant crypto.

Imagine there is over 346 Million people could be exposed to the Bitcoin Cash which is a good opportunity for the community since over 346 Million active user of PayPal there is over 26 Million merchants around the globe was listed on it. That numbers is not small to spread the wings of the Bitcoin Cash over the world.

The PayPal Holdings Inc. together with Paxos Trust Company was announced yesterday October 21 2020 through there blog and news that there customer could be possible start or allowed already to use some crypto currency on there transaction. which means on this shocking news and announcement a massive mass adoption on crypto currency like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Litecoin will be happening soon since the Company of PayPal had no laughing numbers of 346 Million active user and inside of it was 26 million merchants listed. even only 10% of this number is actually using on it that still a big number and already give a massive effect for the crypto industry.

According to the blog of PayPal on there pages on Early year 2021-Next Year-there is a 26 Million merchants is going to accept and use a funding source to pay for the crypto currencies.

The reason why I'm promoting Bitcoin Cash rather than others?

  • Bitcoin Cash had much more potential since it has much more block to filled rather than others

  • BCH is affordable and not much volatile

  • BCH is fast in transaction than others

  • BCH according to @SofiaCBCH article it help more people if we adopt it.

  • BCH is good to invest according to some professional investor like sir @MarcDeMesel  the billionaire and prominent user of read.cash, And it also supported by the bitcoin Jesus a Top 10 Crypto enthusiast of the world @RogerVer




$ 0.04
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @AA-Admiral
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Avatar for Agilaxxx
3 years ago


well, it's good that paypal can now be used with BCH, but I"ll only use it if everything is smooth regarding the ease of usage of crypto and paypal systems. 😅👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago