Tattoos that can get you in trouble

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Avatar for Afsaneh
2 years ago


Tattoos and their meanings for some they tell a story whether that represents a personal characteristic memory of a loved one something deep and meaningful or just a way of self-expression and admiration for art in this critical I am going to tell you about 11 tattoos and the real meanings that will make you think twice before getting them because if you do then you could get into some serious trouble.


Cobwebs on the elbow are usually associated with people doing time in prison and not just any amount of time but a very very long sentence it's like being trapped and tangled in the system the longer the web the more time they have spent behind bars for real criminals you have to earn those wipes that's why it's not particularly good for the average person to have that tattoo.

2: The stars on the knees:

That pretty much means you are either a felon or a robber and you will never bow down to authority it's pretty much like a protest you see why you could kind of get in trouble for this.

3: The five-point Crown tattoo:

I know a lot of people want crown tattoos but whatever you do not get the five-point crown tattoo this sort of crown is only worn by the Latin king's gang the crown could also have the letters "ALKN" which represents the almighty Latin kings and nations needless to say that if you get that tattoo and you are not a part of that gang then that could definitely land you in some hot water.

4: Dagger going through the neck tattoo:

Neck tattoos are becoming widely popular these days but whatever you do stay clear of the dagger going through the neck tattoo this is probably one of the scariest things that you could come across a dagger going through the neck tattoo means that a person has committed murder in prison and is available for hire to do more of these jobs not only you should not get them because that's not what you want to perceive that but you should also stay very far away from people with these tattoos in general

5: Barbed wire across the forehead:

For some, it could have some religious meaning or it could mean nothing at all but in the criminal world barbed wire across the forehead signifies that a person has been convicted of a serious crime and every knot on that wire represents a year that they have spent in Jail.

6: The Notorious Teardrops:

In the criminal world, teardrops could have a few different meanings either the person has attempted murder or the person's friend has been murdered, and now he is seeking revenge last but not least it could mean that they killed someone and each teardrop represents the number of people that they killed needlessly to say that this is not a tattoo that you should take lightly or have on you for fun or a fashion statement because if you come across some hardcore people they are not going to be too happy that you have those tattoos without earning it.

7: A cross on the chest:

In the Russian criminal scene having a cross on your chest is the highest rank that a Russian mob convict could have unfortunately for you if you have this tattoo and for some reason, you end up around these people then they are not going to take it too lightly because to them you are Posing as something that you are not.

8: Clock with no hands:

It's not just any clock tattoos because clock tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world but a clock with no hands is something that you might see a lot with convicts and that pretty much represents that they are doing a very lengthy sentence or sometimes life in prison.

9: Clown tattoos:

Clown tattoos are becoming widely popular these days, especially after the movie Joker rolled around but in Brazil, clown tattoos are not taken too lightly you see these tattoos are extremely offensive to authority because it symbolizes that anyone who is wearing them has killed a cop before and is not afraid to do it again and is not afraid of the consequences that come with it. If you have a clown tattoo and you are in Brazil just cover it up.

10: The Shamrock tattoo:

To you this may look like a harmless green clover that represents good luck well not quite unlike the four leaf clover the three leaf clover is worn by the Aryan brotherhood this is a tattoo that you do not want to have if you are not in that gang yourself.

11: Three dot tattoo and five dot tattoo:

They may just seem like little dots to you but they do have a deeper meaning let's start with the 3 dot tattoos it's usually found on the hand or on the face around the eye area and it means "me Vida Loka" it's mean my crazy life it's not related to a specific gang but it does represent the gang lifestyle.

Now when it comes to the 5 dot tattoo it's most popular amongst American and European inmates long story short the four dots on the outside represent the prison walls while the one dot in the middle represents the inmate.

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Avatar for Afsaneh
2 years ago


I want to have a little tattoo in my upper arm back but my father not allow me to do it. He got mad at me when he knew that I want to have one..😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You took words out of my mouth this is a really common problem 🙁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oh thank God i'm muslim..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was a good one bruh😅

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2 years ago