1)Global cooperation
Global cooperation now needs much more than before.This strategy will be more effective if get practical shape and all world's leader make themselves willing to this idea and help world bettrr after corona.
WHO Informal Adversory Group Dr. Mochael J Rayon said:
"The pandemic of this magnitude takes a huge level of health worker commitment together from all over the wotld."
2)Improvement of healthcare system:
A member of WHO said:
"Epidemics are a stres test for a system. The issue is how much resilience is built into those sytems. Our hispital systems are designed to deliver 99pc efficiency. There is no space to deliver anymore."
3)Improvements in Education system
we should make people aware of the reality of pandemics and their prevention and protection also.Change our behavior about our health and conciousness.About the nutrition and medicine which should be used or avoided.
4)Distribution of resources
Work for those who are deficit in basic resources like food and water.Their sine other needs like life saving medicines and clothes expenses and home.
climate should be restored which is going to disastrous zone. It has changed and become problem for the animals those whose natural habitates are affected.so try to most to restore its natural and beneficial form that revive the life in animals.
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