Can I contribute to the morality of a Child?

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3 years ago
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Can I attribute to the morality of a child? In my own opinion everyone have the capacity to influence or attribute to the morality of a child, in one family the Parents are the first one who will taught them the proper way of living. A child mind is like a seed of flower in order for them to bloom they need care, guidance and love. A child will do what he have been taught before, but that doesn’t mean that the child is incapable of doing wrong things just because he learned all the good things, Let’s say a child was raised by a religious family, we all know that when it comes to religion there are a lot of things they must follow yet it doesn’t assure the child won’t have a mistake. Family is the smallest unit of the society, as the child enter the real world and face more person with their unique characteristics and attitude the child may receive and manifest also those what he saw in them. 

I believe a person will learn what is moral and immoral based on his experience, a child who stoles money for me cannot really considered an immoral, judging the action without knowing the reason that’s what immoral was. We have the rule that stealing is not acceptable because for us that is an immoral act, then let’s understand the side of the child, the reason why children stole is because of the poverty, their parents cannot support them financially and even mentally, and who have the fault here? is it the child who stole just because he wanted to survive or the parents who didn’t have a proper family plan and became useless to their child. I can say to the child that what he was doing is wrong but I can’t tell that he’s an immoral, in the first place a child still have his own mentality he cannot believe and follow all the things we are giving to them if the experience he was receiving force him to do wrong things. I’m not saying that it’s alright for the child to steal things for the rest of his life, what we need to do is help him to be in a right direction of living, if his family failed to do that then we can be his Parent by leading him to live in a “moral way accepted by the society” Government is responsible for giving every homeless child a safer and healthier environment they do deserve that.

I can attribute to the morality of the child but I cannot erase all the experience he collected that makes him live that way. Maybe I can at least understand him and help him to learn more about life.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Story, Experience, ...
