The Drama That Often Happens When Boys Go To The Market

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1 year ago
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Shopping at the shop is indeed an activity that is identical and is often done by women. Even though in fact, not a few guys are doing this 'challenging' activity. For some people, shopping at a warung may be considered an ordinary activity, especially for women. But for boys, shopping at a warung can turn into a thrilling agenda full of challenges. I guess it's just guys who feel this challenge.

That's why it's not uncommon, if boys are asked for help to go shopping at the shop with their partner or with their mother, there must be a reason. Not just because I'm lazy, but sometimes because there's a reason behind it. The following is the drama that guys feel when they go shopping at the shop.

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I've brought a note, but until the market, I still forget it

It turns out that it's not just children, who when asked to go shopping at a shop forget what items to buy. In fact, from home it has been written clearly in detail ranging from kitchen spices to ready-to-eat food. But yes, since it's a boy, don't ask again anyway. Especially if the object to be purchased has an identical resemblance, such as coriander, nutmeg, pepper, and so on. Please, understand this one thing.

If there is one item that is not there, we usually give the idea of ​​looking for a replacement. When I got home it turned out to be wrong

Good and noble intentions sometimes do not go according to expectations and desires. The name is also shopping, not always the things we want are available and still in the shop window. If that's the case, it's not uncommon for guys to think about looking for a replacement so that later when they get home, they don't have to go back to the shop because the groceries are incomplete. But instead of getting compliments from their wives or mothers, they are actually being blamed for why we buy these items.

While queuing at the cashier is often snatched away by mothers, but can't do much

One of the most annoying things and also annoys guys when asked to shop at a shop is this one incident. Isn't it very often that mothers go shopping in the morning at the shop, do they like to rush? Anyway, he wants himself to be served first, the reason must be that's all. If you don't use the excuse that your husband is already hungry, at most you can use an excuse because they are mothers. huft whose name came later, I want mothers to also have to queue first.

Because of the ridiculous things above, it's not uncommon for guys to immediately want to go shopping at the shop. So, if your son, or your husband is really fast and doesn't fuss when asked to go to the shop, don't blame yourself even though sometimes we as boys are often confused.

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1 year ago
