Failure is Human. What is inhuman is when you fail, you don't get up again

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2 years ago

Why should it fail? When the effort is complete, the hard work is relentless and the enthusiasm is burning, but why does failure come and how should we react to it and improve it?

The word failure is familiar to us to hear, everyone must have felt it. Like lightning striking so scary to behold. Some people definitely want success, it is impossible to want failure, but the reality is different from expectations, failure is always the answer to our efforts. Various attempts were made, from changing habits for the better, studying more often, practicing more often, but these efforts were always answered with heart-wrenching failure. failures usually occur such as being rejected at PTN, rejected by job applications, not passing the competition, and many other failures.

Failure knows no age, it can be teenagers, adults, old people. Anyone, anytime, and anywhere indiscriminately. Actually, what is the problem that causes it to fail, because the strategy is not right, the business is not serious, lacks learning, doesn't really understand our goals, still has doubts, is afraid to face failure, despairs in the middle of the road, lacks motivation.

There are many examples of successful people who have experienced many failures and rejections everywhere, for example Jack Ma who is now the richest person in China, but he experienced the bitterness of life that was very deep from failure during school, school refusal and job application rejection. What can we learn from Jack Ma's lesson? He never stopped trying despite the many failures and rejections everywhere he kept going.

His extraordinary spirit that continues to be held until finally the world accepts him and he is now successful, failure makes him a resilient and optimistic person, any storm can be possible even though he doesn't get much support from friends when he has a crazy idea but one person supports him and he finally succeeded.

We can learn the good things from Jack Ma's story. but there is still a burden in itself: Why is despair present? Because it's like being on the verge of horns. Expect too much too high expectations so that when the failure comes it really hits us. It's not easy to start, it's not easy to chase something that feels impossible, it's not easy to break a lofty dream. So why does failure always come when it is never wanted and never thought about?

Many questions arise and start blaming myself why I failed, various answers appear but the dream has already failed, can I turn back time? Various regrets come and grip me. Maybe we failed, because we didn't fully give energy to what we were aiming for, maybe we weren't focused and serious about what we were aiming for, or maybe it was fate. In my opinion failure is bitter and sad to imagine, but when I think back there is indeed something beyond our control and maybe the root of failure may also come from ourselves. Blaming is not the best solution, some say failure is delayed success.

How to get up. Life teaches us a lot that life doesn't always go the way we want, there are things beyond our control. It doesn't mean that failing means you're done and just finished, but you have to keep going, learn to accept and be generous. Failed to wake up again. Failure is a learning process that teaches us powerful lessons in dealing with problems. There is no problem without a solution.

The solution is to look for the causes of failure, and continue to improve where the fault lies so that we can succeed. "If you learn from your failures, you're not really a failure," says Zig Ziglar. This sentence is not just a word, but has deep meaning. Failure is not the end of everything, but he is here so that we can learn again, so that we can interpret the process, so that we are stronger than before, not only pursuing goals, but going through process after process where we can learn a lot from before.

So if we really interpret failure by thinking more positively and continue to learn and improve then there is no word that it is impossible to succeed. After reading this, I hope it helps a bit and answers the question why fail? Where the process that must be passed is not regretted. But it becomes a reference to start again with more enthusiasm and even better.

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2 years ago
