Update: Baby Mikmik

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2 years ago

A bouncing baby boy came out to the world Last December 3, 2020, with the new born screening result of NORMAL.

Baby Mikmik is my nephew who diagnosed with JMML(Juvenile Myelomonocytic LEUKEMIA), when he reached his 4months old(for those who don't know him)and He is the reason why I joined read.cash, my first ever article was about Him.

Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is a rare form of blood cancer. JMML predominately affects young children, most often developing in children under the age of 4. The male/female ratio of affected children is 2-3:1.

The only known successful treatment for JMML is bone marrow transplantation (hematopoietic stem cell transplantation). Children may also be treated with chemotherapy prior to a bone marrow transplant.(the picture is from google and the bold parts)

But since my nephew is still a baby the doctor did not advice it and there's no assurance of successful operation and needs to be done outside the country. So even the doctor advise the parents to let the Miracle if God takes the way.

Now Baby Mikmik is 7months old, he is enjoying his life, tho sometimes there are some pains but still he is the same jolly kid, laugh out loud, playing. And there are developments on him, like his teeth, he starts learning to walk on his own.

There are just somethings that need to look always after Him and thats is, avoid him crying, during his poop he needs to watch over him, because he might experience difficulty that might result on pumping of his small veins, so he really needs extra care than the usual baby, but all in all he is doing great like the normal kids, and this is the best thing with him, he is really a fighter.

Having our Baby Mikmik in our family is a big blessings, because he teaches us to be strong, as he is, he never let his condition ruin his life that he chooses more to be happy rather than crying all day, and he was the happy pill of the family.

One thing I learned when Baby Mikmik was diagnosed with JMML(LEUKEMIA)is to trust God more than anything, and He thought me that I have my simple obligation as a Christian, and that is to pray my Rosary everyday in that way I can always offer a prayer to God with Baby Mikmik condition is one of the intentions I am offering to God and many more to include in my intentions.


The pain we feel inside is not a hindrance to our happiness. Be like Baby Mikmik who chooses to be happy rather than crying all day. Happiness is a choice not an obligation.


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2 years ago


Baby Mik In Gods will you'll be ok 🙏 God is good all the time and i pray with your totally recovery from this illness. Your too young to suffer Insha Allah gumaling kna ameen

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks sis for including him to your prayers.

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2 years ago