The Spirit of Laziness

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago
Topics: Prompt, Experiencies

How was everyones doing today! Hoping everyone is safe and in pink of health! May God bless and protect us everyday,and I Just want to flex my sponsors, before I start my article.

Today was a good day, after how many days of not seeing Mr. Sun finally he showed up brightly. So after our breakfast I decided to have a morning walk with my baby, so we can feel the sunlight on and have some vitamins from the sunlight. Then when we get inside then my baby cousin played with her and my partner was still in bed that time, and me, I don't know what to do? I dont have a concrete plans for today, my chores are all waiting but I don't know where to start.

So while they are playing, I start my easy chores, I sweep our backyard because alot of dried leaves, another minutes of rest then think what to do next, I dont know why act this way today, maybe because its sunday that supposed to be restday hihi. Then I keep pushing my partner to get up and prepared our lunch but he insist that he dont like. So when the kids go home I start cleaning, then I asked my partner what to cook for viand he said its up to me. But my mind is really not functioning today. So I end up cooking fried egg for our lunch today.

Today is not my usual day, because I wake up without proper direction or time management. Usually when I wake up I know whats my activities after our breakfast, but today is different day I feel like my body and mind are in freeze. I know I'm not this type but sometimes laziness will really take over us, and its up to us if we will let this laziness wins. For today I will tolerate my laziness since my partner is around and I'm still on rest because I get vaccinated 2days ago and they said I would be resting for a week, no hardwork first to avoid severe adverse effect. So why not grab the chance hihi. But don't think that I'm just laying in bed the whole day, I'm still doing some light activities. I can call this day as LAZINESS AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE ONE WEEK REST AFTER VACCINATION(haha).

This is my entry for the prompt of Ms. @JonicaBradley about laziness. If you want to join here is the mechanics.

Its around 3:17pm and I was lucky to finish my article early, so later at night will be reading articles and interactions. i have ample time later. But a bit sad my netbook is not opening, so no multi tasking for today. Maybe need to bring to the repair center once again. So I will end it here. See you all on the comment sections. And thanks in advance for reading this rumblings or ramblings whatever it is. Loveyah all!

God Bless Us All !

🌹Annie Marie🌹


$ 3.69
$ 3.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @tired_momma
$ 0.03 from @George_Dee
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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago
Topics: Prompt, Experiencies


Rest, that my vaccine from one day is that it starts to hurt. I lay down my arm ahah.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, me too but now im feeling better:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Last night we sleep in bed with no sheet because I'm so tired I just let it go. So today after cleaning the toilet and kitchen here I am sitting here in my bed. Trying to read articles I wasn't able to do yesterday and after I will fix our bed and put sheets on. Ahh, I wish I could be lazy today. I wanted too.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ah, but you can't madam you have alot of pending chores to do:) no laziness for you today madam

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes come like that you don't know what your feeling your looking for something you don't know,it's a normal to us feeling that why,

Even I I feel like that like

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sometimes this moment came without prior notice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some days happens like that, the mind wouldn't be functioning at its best but you have handled it well by doing some of the necessary things you ought to do.

The sun has been burning for few days here and I wish I could trade them for rain, in just a few days, I have rashes all over me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes I still need to move or else we are be hungry:)

What is supposed to be the weather in your area buddy? We have rainy season so we expect more rains

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Vivo en Cuba y acá todo es calor y mucho sol desearía tan solo todo un día de abundante lluvia ya que esto acá es escaso. Lindo día

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh you're still on summer days dear;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think climate change had a huge effect on us, the rain ain't falling lately. We have extremely hot weathers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it has a great effect:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago