The biggest lesson life has thought me

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
3 years ago

Save, not buts and ifs.

Decades ago, if I remember it right when life taught me my biggest lesson.

I was working in a factory somewhere in Laguna, I was boarding so I dont cook my food, just buy a ready to eat along the way to my boarding house(breakfast, lunch and dinner), and I'm a breadwinner, so I need to manage my salary properly(for my family, my allowance, my boarding house), I open an account in a bank with 500 as a saving to start, then everyday life is the same(work-boarding house and vice versa) then my brother decided to look for a job so I help him then finally he was hired, Im very happy coz finally we are now 2 at the family who is working, but as usual how many days or took a month before he got his salary, but unfortunately my allowance is not enough for us anymore, so I decided to withdraw my savings and all I have in my pocket is I think 14pesos and to think that I still need to ride a jeep back and forth, so I go to the nearest bank but sad to say the bank is offline and the next bank is far I need to ride the jeepney again so it made me think what if the bank is offline too, how can I go back home, so I decided to walk even in the middle of the sun going to the other bank and to my surprise it was offline, that time I had a self pity because Im thinking how can we survive today, so I went home very sad and I when was walking Im thinking how can we have our lunch if we dont have money to buy, I went to nearest store near our boarding house and ask the owner if she will allow me to get food first and I will pay it the next day, and she said yes, no problem and I was so happy coz I know my brother is starving already and me too.

After that incident, I always kept money from my salary even a small amount, because I dont want it to happen again and thats the biggest lesson life has taught me, save not buts and no ifs, just save, whether in bank or just kept with our pocket.

$ 0.44
$ 0.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @eommaZel
Sponsors of Adrielle1214


Glad you learned from that incident. Hope you'll be wiser now in facing every situation life has to offer. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A big big yes. Thank you😀

$ 0.00
3 years ago