Technology and Easy money comes with consequences

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2 years ago

Hello all readers and writers, sorry for being absent yesterday, my baby Adrielle is not feeling well the whole day and really need an extra attention, and even last night were both sleepless, her fever is about 39-40° that make her more uncomfortable to sleep and I see her chilling that makes me feel so nervous, since it was the first time I saw her chilling, and she also experiencing some stomach pain that makes her poop how many times in a day, so I get so worried. Today she is feeling better, no fever anymore, but sometimes the stomach pain is still there, but its tolerable now.

So lets back to my article, I just want to share it with everyone and I want to make it clear that this is not my story, I just listen it to the radio now while we are having our afternoon nap and not all incidents are the same but somewhat alike. An 18year old girl(cendy), shares how she was traumatized by the consequences of what she did.

As we all know we are in modern era, high technology is almost everywhere, from gadgets, appliances cars and more. And this technology have advantage and disadvantage in our daily life, and it depends on how abusive we are when it comes to the technology, especially the gadgets we used.

Cendy is an 18year old girl who have her mobile phone that she uses in looking for some chatmates and she found how many foreigners as her chatmates and when they became friends, Cendy starts asking money from the foreigners and they did sent her money. A certain man(foreigner) sent her money for about 4 times. Then one day the man who sent her money for 4times asked to do a nude videocall from Cendy, but Cendy insisted that she don't like and the man got mad at her and asking her to sent back the money he gave to Cendy, but Cendy said that the money was already spent. Cendy never detailed if she did what the man wants or she just ignore it.

In this incidents like these, for me we can't blame the man if he asks for that, since he sent it for 4 times and I know for sure that the money was from his hard earned money, I know there are still some people who is willing to help without asking in return, but there are others who is willing to help once or twice but 4 times I think its too much, right?

So after this incidents Cendy gets traumatized but do you think, who's to be blame in this situation? 18 year old is not minor anymore and we know that every actions we did, there are corresponding consequences right?

Closing Thoughts

Think many times before entering in the situations that will bring us to disasters, and as much as possible try to overview the consequences of what we are planning to do, if it will lead us to incidents like these then dont try to do it. Easy money comes with many consequences. There are available jobs that will suit our preferences and we will earn money than asking with somebody online.

To all my readers, upvoters and commenters thank you for always being there, and sorry for being inactive lately, I will make it up to you once my baby Adrielle is well.

To all my sponsors thank you for being there for me and for renewing your sponsorships, thanks for the trust. I owe it to all of you so much.

God Bless Us All !

🌹Annie Marie🌹


$ 0.71
$ 0.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @George_Dee
$ 0.03 from @FarmGirl
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2 years ago


Glad to know your baby is doing better now... As to Cendy, it makes me shake my head, the nerve some people have that they can just ask for money from someone they are chatting with online... sigh

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis, now she faces the consequences of her actions, and being traumatized

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every thing in life come with a negative side, she taught she was having fun and didn't know it would backfire.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes she never knew the consequences of the fun she is doing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Technology and Money are such a wonderful tool that can make the world go round. If the both tools are utilized positively it leads to the integration but when use negatively it leads to disintegration.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very well said dear:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The advantage of gadgets is the communication but there are factors to consider when we abuse the usage of it. It will become as an instrument to pornographic activities.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes lods, so we must know the consequences of our actions

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Humans always have a feeling they owe someone something when they do. Even if she doesn't do what he asks for she will still feel guilty. That was really unwise of her.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, now she was traumatize by her actions

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Si Cendy po ang may mali po diyan. I don't blame the foreigners asking for something kasi si girl accept ng accept kaya inakala ngniya bibigay din siya...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kya nga, syempre pinagtrababuhan din nya ung pera, unless my usapan na sila before nagpadala ung foreigner

$ 0.00
2 years ago