Sunday Funday

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago

February 13, 2022 20:19pm

A blessed sunday my community? Did you attend mass/ sunday worship? About Me, well I did not, when the pandemic came I never attend mass anymore, why? Because kids are not allowed to go outside, then when the time came that kids can go out, we happened to visit the church but there is no mass, so we just pray inside the church. Attending mass is not necessarily mandatory now as long as you have the faith and believe in God and know how to pray to Him. But when everything returns to normal of course I love to attend mass together with my Baby Adrielle, coz I want her to grow with God as her guide and guard.

Today is my partners cousin babies 4th birthday, and they invited us ahead of time, the celebrant is the little boy who is Adrielles playmate, sometimes we are the who go to there house to play and sometimes they are who went here to play.

Early in the morning, Adrielle was already excited she wants to be there immediately but I told her I still need to do my chores, so she just sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I sent the video with the Mom. Then after my chores I prepared our lunch, and ate.

After lunch, Adrielle keeps telling me that we will go to the birthday party, but I wait for her tatay to came home, but its almost 1pm her tatay never showed up so I decided that we should go, because I will still help with some decorations, Adrielle was very excited.

When we arrived I help popping the balloon, while Adrielle starts to play,and I fry shanghai and chicken too, then when the ordered cake arrived it has a free cupcake for the celebrant, but when he tastes it he did not like, so Adrielle to the rescue, she ates all the icing of the cupcake, thats her favorite part of the cake the icing, the picture below can't lie🤣everyone laughs seeing her face, but she dont mind them as long as she enjoyed the icing.

3pm when the small party starts, we just sing Happy Birthday with celebrant and we ate, we had fried chicken, shanghai pizza spaghetti, palitaw and the cake. Everyone was full, I did not eat spaghetti coz am not a fun of spaghetti, but I had how many slices of pizza, 2 pieces chiken and shanghai, Adrielle eats a lot too, 2 slices of pizza and about 3-4 pieces of shanghai.

Afterwards, the kids starts to play outside, and we mother have some chitchats too( ndi maritess) sharing about thier personal thingy, I'm a listener only.

We stay until late coz the celebrant dont want us to go home yet, so Adrielle gad her dinner there too, she ates 5pieces of shanghai for her dinner and a rice, then the father of the celebrant came, he handed the kids ₱20, Adrielle was so happy and told me that she will put it in her coinbank, they tease her and ask the money but Adrielle no ITS MINE.

Around 7pm when we go home,but before we go she handed me a lunchbox with macaroni inside plus a chocolate, she said it was her valentines gift for me. So sweet right, I did not expect that someone will give me a chocolate this valentines day, but I received one. Kakatouch.

Thats how our sunday went! It was indeed a great sunday funday!

Thank you to all my sponsors for staying on my block!💚💚💚

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$ 0.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


Yes my dear you are right that sunday is a fun day tomorrow is Sunday and why you are here to enjoy ourselves with great delight

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2 years ago