Scouting the incoming Grade 7 scholars

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...

March 13, 2023

Happy Monday to all readcasher, I hope everyone is happy despite the problems that we are dealing everyday.

Today am gonna share with you the activity I attended last last saturday, we call it scouting, this is the very first time I volounteer myself and it was a very awkward moment for me(because im a shytype) yet my eagerness to pursue and volunteer is there thats why I gave it a try.

We call it scouting because we assisted the grade 6 students together with thier parents who are willing to take the full scholarship exams given by the schools where I came from during my High school days.

First thing we did was introducing them our Alma Mater(School), the facilities, responsibilities, recreational, our duties and many more, then after the brief introduction, we are called infront to share some lessons, inspirations to the children and to give light to the parents who are worrying about thier kids.

As for me, it was my very first time talking infront of them, its not so many but still i feel so shy but of course to give them more encouragement, I did my best to overcome my shyness, and since I am not fond of sharing thoughts with others, I dont know if they got what I am saying but still I leave them some words that might inspire them to pursue thier desires of being one of the scholars of the THE SISTERS OF MARY SCHOOL.

After our sharing, we give them snacks and then after the snacks we gave the students basic examination in Mathematics, just 20 items, 5 items in each of the operation just to make sure that they knew how to do it. While the others are solving we also did some interview together with thier parents and basic english reading this is for the assurance also that they knew how to read and preparation for the final exams and interview that will be held on March 23.

The attendee(parents and students)
Sharing our experiences

I was assigned to check the Math equations that was given to them and my observation was, some of the students are really struggling with the basic Mathematic operation, and my observation is, others get the anwers correctly but thiers no solution, maybe they used calculators but who am i to judge them right, but with those wrong answers, I let them solve it infront of me and they got it correctly, so I explain to them that in every math problems showing your solutions or how you get the amswers is really a big help and sometimes the teachers are giving extra credit to the solutions and I told them next time show how did you get the answer ok, and they said yes.

The examination and interviews

Moreover, we've finished the scouting before lunch time and we instructed them what to bring on the actual examination and interview, and of course parents or guardian should assist thier kids because the sisters will not entertain the kid without thier guardian.

Lunch time with schoolmates but different batches

After cleaning the school we used for the scouting, we were invited by one of our schoolmates to have lunch together, and there we share our opinions and observations with the kids and the parents, then we also tackle a certain place here in our area that really need attention, because theres a family that none of them were studying, this activity will be to follow after the examinations of the incoming Grade 7 students.

Closing Thoughts

My experience here and overcoming my shyness makes me happy, because even I just help my schoolmates in assisting the kids, but becoming an instrument to help and inspire others to grab the chance of taking the full scholarship specially to those family who belong to the poorest of the poor is such an honor for me, I just hope that the kids we assisted passed the examinations and interviews and dreamed for thierselves and family and one day became one of us in orgnizing the activity like these which is to help and inspire others.

This is also one way of showing the gratitude for being one of the scholars and applying lesson they teach me.

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...


Yung kapatid ko din sis sah sah sisters of mary din nag school dati, ang ganda pah naman sah school nah yan, but anyways nice to meet you here sis.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yahallo! Its like you are now going out on your comfort zone eh, ehe. Good thing you volunteered no ehe.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hellow madam, a miss u🤩 mztasa madam

Actually madam nagdalawang isip pa ako nun kasi nga sabi ko baka magsalita sa harapan which is nahihiya tlga ako then bka ndi pumayag partner ko kasi ndi ko isasama si Adrielle, pero pumayag sya kaya gumora ako at naging masaya naman,

$ 0.00
1 year ago

naku, may Microphone pala, hehe , pero keniri mo naman sis ano. Im so happy for you.

Ganun dina ko sa math sis, laging nag calculator ang gamit kaya struggle ako pag review ko

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oo sis, ndi ko nga expect na tatawagin ako at kahit nahihiya go na lng,

Naku sis bawal kami magcalculator as in mano mano tlga ang solving namin before

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is very rewarding to be able to serve others when there is a true vocation. I congratulate you for overcoming your own fears to help others.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed very rewarding, thank you dear:)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang saya niyo naman tingnan sis lalo na yung sa lunch time na. Ang saya lang pag mag join sa mga ganyang activity.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo sis ang saya kasi ndi naman kami related with each other, pero dahil sa school na pinanggalingan namin kaya nakabuo kami ng family na matatawag

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Maganda yung ganun sis nuh. Gusto ko din ganyan kaso nasa Manila na ako.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo nga pala

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's good to join in an activity like that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago