My Not So Childhood Days

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2 years ago

Everyone has its own childhood story to tell, and its a nice to remember nowadays how we are when we are kids and how it makes us smile now!

Im now participating with madam @bmjc98 challenge about being who you are when you are a kiddo

Actually when I was a kid, i really did not enjoy it, not like any other kids that keeps on playing all day. When I was a kid I have a big obligation already, since I was the girl in the family, i am oblidge to do these chores, like the laundry and baby sits with my youngest sister. If my mother is not around I need to take care of my lil sister(4-5months old). I remember one day while I was playing with my neighbor my mother called me because she will go out and do some errands so I need to baby sits, that time I think I was 11 years old, so when my mother leave my lil sis is still sleeping in her hammock so I return playing, then after a few minutes my brother call me and I heard my lil sister crying, so i move the hammock and expecting her to sleep again, but she did not and i think she wants to play, so I carry her and put her to our table and I saw her playing alone so I left her there in the table, then after how many minutes I heard her crying ang my brother is shouting at me, so I run and to my surprised I saw her in the sand under the table and she kept on crying, so I carry her and sing her lullaby to stop from crying, and finally she stops crying, but when i put her again on the table I saw her dress with dirt but i dont know how to change her clothes because she still so tiny, im afraid i could break her tiny bones, so I had no choice but let her dress with dirt until my mother came. It was lunch time when my mother came because she need to breastfeed my lil sister, when she carry her she notice the dirt on her dresa and ask me why, what happened, so i told her what happened, and what she did was to hit me on my butt and she was very angry with me, so i just keep on saying sorry and i keep on crying until she leaves again., But i did not leave my sister anymore i just stay beside her while she was in hammock sleeping i was on the floor lying down.

Another obligation is when my mother is around i will do the laundry from washing, folding and keeping it from thier box, thier mind is set that its a girl obligation so I need to do it, but why other kids are not doing it?

I remember one day my granny my mothers mother came to pay a visit in our house and i think its around 5:45-6:00pm when she arrives and I was still outside and playing that time, then she looks for me and aak my brother where I am, then my brother called me so i go home, then when I enter the house my granny keeps on talking and talking that I should be inside the house at that time because I was a girl, and a girl ahould not be at the road at 6pm and many things she keeps telling me that i almost forgot now.

This is what I am up to when I was a kid, there are more to remember but this are enough. I had a lot of bad memories when I was a kid, especially when it comes with ny mother because she is terribly monster when she got mad. And its one big reason why im not close to her as I grew up because of alot of spank, hit,slap on my body when I was a kid. Its not good to share every details but its the Reality of my life when I was a kid. Its not for the sake that I want you to feel pity on me but it was the true story of my life.

Good day!


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$ 1.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @bmjc98
$ 0.05 from @George_Dee
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2 years ago


I heard many stories similar to yours where the eldest had to watch over the younger ones. Although that shouldn't be the case, the mother had to work to earn extra for the family. And as one of the elder children, they are expected to be responsible even at a young age. Sad reality but I'm sure those experiences you had in the past made you a better person now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it teaches me a lot and made me a strong woman and dreamed big for my own family in the future. Thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry about your suffering during childhood, it is wrong to believe that a female child must be kept indoor for chores and housekeeping. I believe that the world is doing away with that belief slowly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you:)

Yes nowadays women are fighting the right that we strong like a man and they never tolerate that women should only be in the house, doing those chores

$ 0.00
2 years ago