My Mission in life

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3 years ago

Each of us have our own mission in life like married life, single blessedness, single mother/father, a nun or a priest. How can we distinguished our mission, when we are kids our teachers ask us about what we want when we grew up. We have different answers, but as we age we discover what our mission really is. When I was a kid I dreamed to be a teacher someday but unfortunately due to financial issues my dreams was just a dream, I choose to work rather than studying to help my family, I know its not too late to study again ang become a teacher coz educations requires no age but perseverance. But as I grew up I found what my mission is, and that is to become a mother to my baby, being a mother requires a lot of patience, understanding and of course love, sometimes my motherhood was tested and I almost want to give up , but later on I realize that this is my mission in life so why I need to give up, this is the mission or path I choose, so I must prove it to myself that I deserved this mission.

Well being a mother is such big a blessings from God and Im happy Im one of the women that deserved to be a mother and I will be forever grateful to God for this opportunity tho Im not perfect but Im trying my best to be a better mother to my baby.



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3 years ago
