My Little Achievement

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
3 years ago
Topics: Appreciation

As everyone is doing thier monthly income, well I was inspired to do mine too.

This is my first time doing this summarize report of my monthly earnings, this is more of because im not active in judt like any others, but I will try my best to be active too, as I was getting inspired seeing those post of others.


As you can see my drafts of earnings in, the round numbers 10 is from my posting and the cents are from the QR code tip giving my someone from joining giveaways and games. And to summarize my earning for this month of July

Total earned: $122.61

Less internet expense for 1month :$10

So overall I earned: $112.61

For over 6months here, its my very first time to accumlmulate this kind of earnings and im very proud of it. I know its not that big for other but for me it was so much, just to think that you are just in the corner of your house, doing your chores, taking care of your baby or siblings but yet you are earning this kind of dollars just by posting your daily activities thoughts and whats in your sorroundings, really amazing right? So do need to questions about those earnings and how much it is, because only in this free platform you are earn those amount, there are other free platforms but it really needs your time and that all free platforms are paying, sometimes they just pay at the beginning but as time goes by they disappear, right? But is not like those platforms thats why Im so happy that I became part of this platforms, tho there are weeks or days that you have no earnings but still others are continously earnings, so it only means they are still paying, maybe we have just violated one rule so we get punish, but after a couple of days or weeks maybe admin realizes that you learn from those violations then return your earnings/heart value again.


I've been in for 4months Madam Mj introduce me this site because that time I was asking for financial and spiritual help from the member, and she told me that I should write an article about my nephew inorder for others to read whats really happening and attach some details about my nephew like the laboratories receipt and request for the readers to know that its true and not a scam because there are others from before doing it. So I did what she told me, I write an article then after that first article I stop again, so in short im not really active in, but now im seeing others enjoying, so i start writing again, and i think this month of July is the month that I write about 5 articles and tbis one so I had six and it an achievement for me, because mostly i write once or twice a month hehe. So now Im very proud of myself hihi.

My earnings here from 4months of stay here I got a total of $7 haha, im so proud of it, no im not proud of it im just happy about it, hihi, and from this time on I really need to try my best to make more articles, of course because of earnings and im little by little enjoying it too(maybe more convenient if Im using laptop or netbook, but since my netbook is broken so Im just doing it by my phone, thas why I need to grind more, inorder for my netbook to be fix soon and I can enjoy well the platform.


In everything we do, we must always ask ourself if we are enjoying it, because its all useless if your heart is no into it, even reader can really feel if you put your heart on it.


$ 4.79
$ 4.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @ewyr
$ 0.10 from @bmjc98
+ 2
Sponsors of Adrielle1214
Avatar for Adrielle1214
3 years ago
Topics: Appreciation


Congrats on your achievement, sis :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much:)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're welcome!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I was flattered that you read my article, it was an honor hihi

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Aww. You're welcome po. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kumusta na si nephew mo, sis? Hope okay na siya. And congrats sa achievements mo!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Medyo ok naman po sya madam, actually im planning to make an article update about him this month, thank you so much po tlga for introducing me to

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Earnings was already big Sis, it's not easy to gain with that, as you also do some task but that's great. Praying for more blessing to you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes sis, And im so thankful with what i earned last month, and hopefully its a big start for me to strive more. More earning to all of us, lets claim it🙏

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Nice summary, you have done well and I believe that the coming month will be much more better than the last month.

$7 on read cash is cool, you just have to step up your engagement on the platform.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I wish and i pray and im claiming it buddy

Yes i know, sometimes i feel so lazy reading and engaging, but this time i will really try my best hihi

$ 0.00
3 years ago