My Embarrasing Moment

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3 years ago

Each of us have a story to tell, whether its a sad, funy or embarrasing one.

And Im sharing with you my embarrasing moment way back 2000, the story goes like this.

My friend/workmate invited me to thier boarding house during our off they lived somewhere in Mamatid, Cabuyao Laguna, and they instruct me how to get there since mobile phone is not commonn that time, only those who can afford to buy can have(too expensive), so the next day, I prepare myself early but the weather did not cooperate, it rains so hard, so I need to wait until the rain stops, then maybe around 9-10am I decided to go even the rain is still pouring but not so hard anymore, on my way there I remember they told me to tell the driver to drop me near the mamatid bridge, because they know that its my first time to go there, so I the trip is starting Im remembering the details they told me, once I get to the mamatid bridge need to walk going to thier apartment, then the driver call my attention, he drop me to the mamatid bridge, so I start walking, then I notice both sides have different houses, and I forgot which sides thier apartment at, so I try first the left side, because I saw thier different small houses made with NIPA HUT, and from the outside you will see there are white cloth are hanging up, so I thought those are the belongings of the boarders, and so I get inside but I did not see anyone, so i walk and walk until I saw a girl coming next to me, and finally I have somebody to ask, but to my suprise, the girl asked me, WHAT ROOM NUMBER MISS? and I replied ROOM NUMBER?, the girl smile and finally I had the chance to ask her, MISS IS THIS AN APARTMENT AREA?, the girl nooded NO MISS its a LODGE/MOTEL, I said OK, THANK YOU then I walk going out to the place, while I was walking I notice that almost everyone is looking at me and smiling, but I told myself nevermind them, since I dont know what is LODGE/MOTEL that time. When I reach the lane I try the other side, and I saw a 2story building with different doors, and I was praying to God that I can find what im looking for, so I keep on walking when I heard a voice calling my name ANNIE so i look where the voice came from, and luckily I find my workmate in one of the doorsteps standing and waving her hands with me, and I was so happy that time. When I reach thier boarding house they aak me why Im so late, then I told them what happened and they are both laughing so hard, then I ask them why?, Then they explain to me what is that place and why is everybody looking at me and smiling, and after knowing what is that place, I smile and a bit shy because I enter that place. Then when we go to work, my workmate told thier friends too what happened to me and they are laughing and keep teasing me.


Sorry if Im no ignorant with the place, because honestly speaking I studied high school in a Catholic Institution where in the NUNS are the one who are taking care of us, and we are all girls, we have no parties, no JS PROM, what we keep doing thier is LEARNING, PRAYING AND PLAYING AND CLEANING, we stayed there for 4years and every year we only have 2weeks vacation and that vacations, we still have responsibilities to do.

LESSON LEARNED: ask every details and remember or write if possible the important details and keep in mind.

I hope you had fun reading!


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3 years ago


What an amazing story,i really love to read it and like im in that time too thinking what happened next ๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha, thats all happened and super embarrasing

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3 years ago