The Gift Of Writing.

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2 years ago

Do you enjoy writing? Do you enjoy playing around with words? Do you enjoy that privilege of writing here on or other platforms as well?

We all enjoy what I call the "free will of writing". We enjoy the freedom of writing what is on our minds and still get tips and an audience that reads and tells us their views on the topic written.

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The Gift Of Self Inspection.

Do you write the old fashion way, the traditional way of writing with a pen and a book, or do you write using a Tablet, a phone or a laptop? Whichever method you use, that brief moment you want to start, your mind is off the gas for a moment and your whole being wonders or dives into the topic.

Writing gives you a moment and a chance to slow down and reflect on yourself and the people around you or your audience. That gift costs nothing but a pen and a book or a tablet. Introspection what every writer does before taking a pen and book to write.

Creativity; A Gift.

Every line written, every paragraph penned down is the creative work of the author. The gift every author possesses is they can create whatever they want with every line that is written.

Being creative becomes very interesting when an author is engaging with other writers and writes too because that is where the creativity will come in when he writes. To be better at your creativity as a writer you being active with writing will be the number one set goal but creativity is not passive.

Creativity is like a guest that visits only when she knows she is welcome, and the best way an author can welcome her is by writing anything, it's a gift after all. And at times writer's block or maybe you don't feel creative, but when you write daily magic happens.

The Gift Objectivity.

Every author wants to know what his audience wants, and writing every time has a  way of connecting you with the audience. Writing has a way of connecting with other people's brains. Writing makes you be in the mind of others.

When a character is created by an author, writing creates this aspect or perspective where the author puts himself in the mind of the character, taking control of the character and just take over. The gift of objectivity or perspectivity puts your mind and that of your created characters to become one and all that is done because of the gift of writing. A gift like no other that we all have here on

Writing is not just writing words and letters on a piece of paper or typing on a screen but it has a way of connecting and communing with people. Writing aims to connect with others in a journey and the mode of travelling through the reader's imagination is the gift that writers have.


Writing is a gift, writing connects, writing communicates, writing creates, writing is a love story that brings one human to another, sharing thoughts, conceptions, sorrows and listening as she shares all that. Writing is a gift.

Thanks for reading

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2 years ago


I just love writing about my experiences that I can't share to people just by chatting and it's fun coming up with articles

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the thrill of playing with words and carving my words to meet certain objectives. It comes with daily and constant practice and I love how very little words can carry so many emotions.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Daily practice truly makes one good and love whatever they are doing

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Absolutely... It's about staying consistent and daily improving.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just like a quote I saw yesterday, keep writing until you are right. We truly become creative writers by writing daily.

$ 0.00
2 years ago