Set Clear Goals.

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2 years ago

What is that one thing that pushes you? What is that you want to change or improve on?

Everyone is driven by ideas in their head that they will be better or that they want to be better. In my part of the world they go about setting goals and making resolutions every year but going into the first few months of the year they end up backing down and saying to themselves and everyone that they can't do it anymore or just give up.

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I think of setting clear goals as a professional diver, a diver knows first how deep the pool or body of water he will be jumping into, he knows the height he needs to be at to be able to achieve an attainable acrobatic style, he knows everything that will bring him success and not harm him as a diver.  Similarly, Setting clear goals should be the same as what a diver does, know the goals you are setting, know how far you can go for those set goals, in short, know your surroundings and most importantly your goals.

Clear But Specific.

It's that simple, most people don't go as far as achieving their goals because they were not specific with them. 'I want to achieve something this year', that's a goal but its not specific, but when someone says I want to make 1BCH in a month, that is a clear goal and he will work hard towards that, putting in mind that every single article he publishes he knows and has full confidence that he will be visited by the green BOT for probably the whole three days.

So set clear yet very specific goals you want to achieve and not let yourself or any doubt that you can't achieve them.

You Have Weaknesses, Acknowledge Them.

We all are imperfect, or as some will say perfectly imperfect, so being imperfect we have weaknesses. And as perfectly imperfect as we all are we tend to not admit to ourselves that we have weaknesses, but as a diver, he has practised or has been taught what to do, he can't attempt something he has never done or maybe he saw a more fellow diver doing but sticks to what he knows and can do.

As humans, we set up goals and want to achieve those goals, when we acknowledge that we have weaknesses is a step toward reaching that set goal. So be that diver that knows his strength and weaknesses and your goals will be as mild or as simple as they are supposed to be. So m.ake it a practice to know how far you can go and the strength you have to carry out anything that is placed right in front of you.

Make It Fun For You.

It's your goal to achieve, if you succeed then hurrah to you and if because of some reason you don't, then why not make it fun for yourself, enjoy yourself while accomplishing those goals. Make it fun and exciting, when you see divers you will know that they are enjoying what they are doing and enjoyment makes their goals easy to achieve.

My Conclusion.

Make it your aim to accomplish all set goals, be clear and specific, make it fun for yourself and know your limits, know how far you can go and your set goals will be achieved with all ease. And write down your goals to remind yourself every day.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago


Most people set goals but they are not specific enough about it. They also go with other people's plan which makes it not to be fun for them and at the sight of a challenge, they get frustrated.

This is a well explained post. Well done.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you boss, getting a review from you means the world sir, thank you very much sir

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I always enjoy your wonderful contributions as well. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In other to move one surely need a driving force and the driving force can be interpreted as setting goals

$ 0.00
2 years ago