Human Survival Kit.

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2 years ago

"I survived, I am a survivor- I have been robbed at gunpoint with my family, I have witnessed an insurgency and countless civil unrest, and have been in a bike accident countless times, am not an expert but I survived "

It starts with humans living in groups and colonies and where they will live and what to eat, then they started hunting for food, then the food search, it has always been about food and moves where to find food. The story of the human race has being always about survival and for centuries it has been going on like this.

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For centuries humans have devised different kinds of means for survival, hunting for food, farming for food and fighting for food. And in our modern-day today, we work for someone and get paid with money so we can buy food for our survival.

Like when a lioness gives birth to her young ones, she feeds them but does something remarkable at the same time- teaches them the art of Survival. She teaches them how to survive and prepares them for survival. Humans have done the same for centuries and over time these skills have changed but some things remain the same, the kit.

Be Prepared.

Preparation for whatever it is that will come one's way is crucial for the survival of every human. Being prepared is an added advantage to one achieving success, prosperity and most importantly one's survival. We wash plates, clean our houses, and iron our clothes for work, in our daily lives we hold responsibilities that require us to act and react for our survival. So be prepared in advance adds more to our survival.

In the art of being prepared for survival, one needs to Anticipate. Anticipation makes you think before you act and reflect on things consistently. Anticipation makes you plan your weeks, months and years, it helps you to judge what is coming next.

When you anticipate what is coming next and you are prepared for it then know that your future complications are a result of your silly negligence.

Be Self-Disciplined.

In our journey for survival, we need to develop an attitude and a state of eagerness to whatsoever that might come our way- Self-Discipline is an acquired skill that helps us to have the eagerness and be ready for what will be coming our way.

We can not achieve anything worthwhile if we are too hard on ourselves, but achieving something worthwhile compels one to be steadfast and zealous for survival. When we fail to discipline ourselves in this journey of human survival, we become very unfulfilled individuals.

Everyone wishes for things to be done once and for all, and repetition is an ugly word but when it's meets with self-discipline it can be a routine to achieve something worthwhile.

My Conclusion.

We all do what we can to survive, amidst all that let's be prepared, let's anticipate things will come our way and let self-discipline make us achieve something worthwhile and survive.

$ 0.08
$ 0.03 from @Olasquare
$ 0.03 from @GarrethGrey07
$ 0.02 from @Esp130
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2 years ago


We need to be disciplined in the journey of life as we are prepared to face everything head on. You mentioned two key things; preparation (mental), and discipline (behavioural).

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have raised a good point about progress of human in every field but I will say that it all loses the connectivity between humans

$ 0.00
2 years ago