E-Publishing And How It Connects You With People.

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2 years ago

Physically as humans, we all want to connect with people, and now that the world we live in is at its virtual peak we want more of that connection. The virtual world now connects us and makes us interact more with a larger audience, and we get feedback and ratings in just seconds.

E-Publishing not only gets your work seen by others but it connects you more to a wider range of new audiences. And not that traditional publishing doesn't get a wider range of audiences, it's just that it takes time and a lot of work put in before people get to see your beautiful work. E-publishing on the other hand connects you with the audience in seconds and less work is required.

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A journalist once said to me that "Our generation has it easy, we get to publish magazines and books in just hours and at times with no editors whatsoever, we have it all easy for us". He explained how their own was, you write an article and about three to five different persons need to edit it first before others process and then publish it.

At this point am like yes, 'we all got it easy', and am happy we do.

Reaching To A New Audience.

That's the idea at first for an author's craft to be seen by as many as possible, E-publishing does exactly that for authors, it brings their craft to a new and larger audience. E-Publishing brings authors and new audiences into one room, and the beauty of it is when they are in the same room, the audience gets to see what is in the author's mind. E-publishing connects you to the world, here on reading.cash we get to see that connection first hand, and E-publishing not only makes us audiences alone but a family too.

Editing Is Possible After Publishing.

The traditional way of publishing had editors that go through your work and after publishing you don't have a chance again to edit any typo, republishing a book because of a typo can be a very costly affair. E-Publishing makes editing possible after publishing at no cost at all.

Longer Shelf Live.

We all want this, after posting a picture or publishing an article we want people to still be liking and commenting on those things we posted even after months of posting. E-Publishing is like dropping an object in an open space no matter how long it takes it will just be moving in that open space, books on shelves get old and tear out, but ebooks are just there in open space and can be accessed from anywhere in the world by anyone.

We now see all those who published their books the traditional way are bringing those books back to the virtual world now, by turning them into ebooks.

Keep Tracks of User's Behaviour And Distribution.

The traditional way of publishing makes authors wait for months or even years before they get a review or a comment from the book, E-publishing made it easy for authors to get comments and suggestions from a wide range of distinct audiences within seconds.

And within weeks or days, you can track how many people have downloaded and read your book, with the help of E-Publishing you can track the distribution and other online strategies as well to help you reach a larger audience.

My Conclusion.

We have it all easy, we get to publish our articles, edit them, publish them, rework them again if there are any typos, track your sales and distribution, and we sure have it all easy.

Thanks for reading.

All Images are from Unsplash.com

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