A Life Living To Please Others.

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2 years ago

Are you a prisoner? Are you living in the fantasies of other people? Do you live a life of wanting to please others and live up to their expectations? Or do you feel you will never be good enough? If so, you are living in the shadows of others.

I have lived a life of trying to please a few selected people in my life and thought for so long that if they are impressed I will finally be seen and heard. There is nothing wrong with wanting to please people that you love or wanting them to see you. In most cases, it turns out to be a beautiful thing and fruitful in some aspects, but you living your life every day to please them or you living for them becomes a dilemma.

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Living a life of trying every day to impress people is like pouring water into the ocean, the ocean will never be enough or tell you is sufficient, but if you do it you are working yourself out by doing something that won't benefit you or the ocean. Because the people you are trying to impress won't ever be satisfied with whatever it is you do.

You Are A Prisoner When; You Let Others Conviction Become Your Truth.

One needs to have a strong foundation of personal assurance that you know yourself and not let others have the final say in whatever you want to do. This can lead to poor decision-making when we let the conviction of others become our truth.

You Feel You Are not Good Enough or Less Valuable when you are not Close to that Person.

You lose every sense of choice and self-determination when the people you want to impress are not around, you tend to lose yourself. Yes, some people in your life can and will motivate and bring value to your life but never at the cost of you losing who you are.

Don't Be A Prisoner.

You have your whole life ahead of you, don't live it trying to please others, live it to the fullest extent. Some people will add meaning and value to our lives but their lives are theirs and ours.

Just like prisoners that are confined in a cell and given any kind of food and clothing and they do not have any choice or decision to make, but to obey and do whatever it is they are commanded to do. Live not like prisoners but live your lives as humans that can make decisions for themselves.

Allow others to influence you positively and not to the extent of you losing yourself.

My Conclusion.

I once lived a life of "if I don't please this person in whatever it is that am doing then the person will never be happy with me and the person will leave me. For a very long time, I have been a prisoner, I have held myself captive living the lives of others. I don't let the conviction of others become my truth. The idea of insecurity comes in when all we want to do is, please other people.

Thanks for Reading

All Images are from Unsplash.com

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2 years ago


Indeed, if we keep on pleasing people to appreciate us or too see our worth we will just become their prisoners and even slave as all we're gonna keep on doing is to please them and follow what makes them happy which is not good.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are indeed prisoners when we live our lives trying to please people. The road that leads directly to failure is when we try to please others. We shouldn't be a prisoner to them. We should follow our minds and stay true to what we believed in. I've stopped living my life trying to please everyone.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very true because the truth is you will have more freedom and you can do whatever you desire without looking to please anyone

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly. I've stopped bothering and stressing myself over what people think. I focus on my growth and nothing else.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't always try to please other people beacause it's tiring and might drain you... just be who you are!

$ 0.01
2 years ago