Money is the root of all evil

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3 years ago

People depend on money to live happily ever after. Many people think that life without money is meaningless because money meets the needs of people. Respect for human dignity is determined by money in today's society. So there is no shortage of people trying to make money. Just as money works at the root of all human happiness, peace, dignity, prestige, it also works at the root of violence, revenge, unrest and all evil deeds. In the greed of money, people become unprincipled and engage in bad deeds. Money is the cause of lovelessness, separation of husband and wife, separation of friends from friends, violence in nations and wars. Money is at the root of all the uncreated, non-existent, chaotic things in the world. Money is an element in which intoxication people do not hesitate to do the worst. In the intoxication of money, thoughts, consciousness, manners, actions all become meaningful. People do not hesitate to kill people for money. Money is a thing in which people give up principles, character, conscience. Unwanted or misused money brings destruction, money becomes the source of all unrest. Excessive addiction to money envelops people in the twists and turns of bestiality. He became desperate to satisfy his own purpose by putting aside the overall interests of the family, society and the state. Behind all the misdeeds of the world, there are issues related to economic interests. Money drives people astray.

Education: Money is not necessary for a fair, beautiful, orderly and normal life. Again, money is the cause of uncreativeness, unrest and violence.

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