Your Voice Is Needed. Vastly.

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1 year ago
Topics: Reality, Technology, News

It Can Be Daunting And Even Seem Meaningless To Speak Your Mind. Opinions And Posts Flood The Attention Span Of The World. Here’s Why It Matters More Than Ever.

Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

I’ve Read Countless Articles On This Topic And I Will Assume So Have You. I suppose I’ll find-and-source some then, but only because I love you for reading my work. (Is that “emotionally manipulative” of me to say? A funny concept in an ironic way, given the context of this essay. You’ll soon see why.)

I believe everything I’m about to say here could be derived by any of us through simply looking and seeing, and a touch of common sense, and it’s not from lack of intellect so much as lack of energy, or our own pampered laziness that we don’t feel value in effort half-the-time.

Our laziness (yep, allends up being a trap not only for us but for the ones around us as well.

In today’s world and with the hustle and bustle of life we seem to have been caught by the instant gratification of things and only if and when we’re patient do we ever take the time and put in the ‘energy’ really stop to look, and see

So, half of us don’t.

Which half?

  • the half where it’s last month and you had the chance to have trust in your friend, and you chose not too, and it showed. And now you’re not friends.

  • the half where you have nothing going on, and someone cute calls you and although you’d really like to hang out and know it would be fun — you tell yourself you’re “too lazy, and don’t feel like it” — so you turn her/him down and say you’ve got a lot going on. Then when it’s too late and you end up making a fool of yourself trying when it’s too late, you decidedly choose to hate them in egotistical spite, when they did nothing wrong.

  • the half where you are really bugged out at what a coworker keeps doing but — “..don’t want to cause any drama”, or say to yourself “..if I bring it up, they will only attack me” — so you decide to automatically harbor thoughts of argument and blame and spite against them prior anything actually even commencing, prepping your reality to specifically be that by-all-means-possible. Needing it to become that (subconsciously of course).

Notice First and Foremost:

these are all so simple and subtle things and all very common to us in our lives.

Give or take an element or two and a whole lot of what issues arise from our social predicaments actually, we find are rooted in nearly entirely ignored subtleties (typically ignored whence the instance has blown up into full-out maelstrom — of course.).

— And Second:

these are all due to our lack of maturity to speak the f*** up.

After all, each of these instances and types of instances could have been easily nipped-in-the-bud with a simple touch of good ole’ open communication.

And actually, the failure to even try to openly communicate can be seen clearly to be the very crucible of much of our social dynamic and relationship-themed abuse.

Photo by Amy Elting on Unsplash (The elephant in the room)

Published on Psychology Today a post called What Does It Mean to Be Passive-Aggressive?” defines it:

“Passive-aggression can lead to more conflict and intimacy issues, because many people struggle to have a direct and honest conversation about the problem at hand.”


Yes, that is very true ~ it does bother us to even entertain the idea of taking responsibility in the moment and the foremost overvalued fallback plan of the lazy — is the self-told lie and actually, self-denial — of imagination creating excuses for a future we claim to “know”, or as one of my mentors calls it, “prescience”.

This is a very rude thing, a self-destructive thing, but not only that it’s also a socially — regurgitated instance of a sort of passive-aggressive element in our culture, hidden in excuses of the “normality” of it all, and hidden by us — from ourselves even, as well.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash of what blind dating is like with someone you’ve been married to for 8 years.

Communication. Good communication. It’s so nearly an endangered species that we have a whole cultural fad made up of the idea some call “I am you — pushed out”, originally brought to the public ear by Neville Goddard.

(I am going to leave an example of how far it’s grown. Please don’t get lost in it before finishing reading my explanation of why it’s inherently the cause of suffering — and will only lead to suffering — for many.)

everyone is you pushed out Archives — I AM Love
One of the most controversial topics in manifesting is romantic relationships with a specific person. But not only…

What “Everyone is You Pushed Out” Really Means — Opened Soul
When I first heard the phrase “Everyone is You Pushed Out”, I completely did not understand it. I had this vague sense…


The only person I can vouch for who has any seeming common sense in the matter is Aaron Doughty.

YouTube Channeler and blogger, you may have caught him in a video here or there, and although I’ve had my share of debates (for the sake of civil duty in these social ideological matters, of which yes — we should care what others think. ex. “Nazi Germany”, et cetera.) he’s always seemed to come around humbly when shown his fallacies, and this is a very rare and — to me — noble act of a person to do these days.

I will sum up the ideology in the briefest way possible:

  1. Crowds have come to finally see that we “-are each other’s mirrors”, karmically and psychologically.

  2. Some less mature and less responsible for the scene and ego-driven arena of the lightworker identity has taken the weapon-of-a-fallacy that is their own notion of the meaning Neville left us — against everyone in their lives in a far extremity as though to mean ~ “nothing I do is my fault, and I can simply say any other who is upset at my actions is projecting”.

  3. In a chosen sense of denial, hoards of these generally innocent people have fallen under, it’s become nearly impossible to talk to one in this cognitive roller — coaster and there seems to be no off-switch, nor those on it wishing to get off at any time soon. And they have a lot of rocks they think are cupcakes, and throw them at anyone passing by — with “love”, while claiming self-love when “attacked” by upset victims.

  4. It’s denial. There is no reason to blame them, as Jesus Christ put it “Forgive them for they know not what they do”. Who are we to judge? We are inherently in many states and layers of denials ourselves. But, awareness of this aspect could very well help others from getting hurt or harming others.

Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

A Look At The Theme Large-Scale

These natures of cognitive dissonance and chosen sleep-like states of walking through our lives are inherently unresponsible of us, and it’s up to us at the individual level, each. We have a civil duty to nurture, guide, and parent our own society along with its growth as it matures in of itself.

I do see the encompassing and overall cognition of the human race as one, being is that of a child needing to be nurtured and cared for, in that of itself it is a very reactive thing and sensitive thing — when it comes to global epidemics (coral reef in our oceans bleaching and dying) and illnesses (pollution), it seems the current mentality of our beings ingenuity comes down to that of yelling and making things more of a mess, swatting at things, rather than maturely working towards a harmonic and peaceful solution.

We may feel “smart” with our technology and our complexity but if we can’t even get beyond petty ideological debates on “why” our issues are happening — for long enough to at least take some course of unified action — then we are hypocrites to claim to believe in Darwin’s Theory of evolution, and we are hypocrites to claim to be Christians while not following in the clear teachings of Christ.

There are more important things than our egos and our lackings of maturity at the individual level do superimpose onto the scaffold that is the outlined structure of our human organism as a species — and living being in of itself, by all definitions.

Who Decides What Websites You Visit?
Recently there's been a lot of justified outrage over "fake news" and the fact that many people are living in an echo…

You may have come across this weblink above if you’ve ever used the Duckduckgo browser. Don’t worry it’s not as important or relevant as the TED Talk they host on that page,


This is an important one!!! Please Watch.

I want to reiterate here — it is pointless after watching this to then go on and blame Google” or blame Facebook”. These are simply and solely just organizations, who are providing us with a service to the best of their efficient capability while working under the rules and structures of a system they’re provided and forced to work under — due to our own choosing of the structure.

Our monetary structure as-is demands that a company must grow. It’s simple as that. We can blame anyone running any company, and even perhaps get CEOs to get booted, or even arrested maybe — but all of that is pointless because the next in line will be given a goal of the exact same thing — to guide the company to maximize its profit, reduce expenditure, and keep shareholders happy.

This is our system, these are not opinions of mine — these are facts, and half of us our too fooled by the deadbolt illusion of a cultural taboo in mentioning anything about it, in fear of being pinned as “Communists” — as though the made-up two systems dead leaders ages ago had thought up were the only possible systems of governance and socially responsible economies that could ever exist or be invented forevermore.

This is awfully arrogant of us to presume, and by definition — obtuse, as that it doesn’t leave room for the obvious extras like, say, creating other systems better than both archaic ideologies.

I’d also like to state that when I say it is “obtuse” by definition, and then follow through explaining in which way it is obtuse⁽¹⁾ — this is also a logical fact, and not an opinion being stated or up for debate.


[ uhb-toos, -tyoos ] adjective ⁽¹⁾

not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull.

Both Capitalism and Communism were merely man-made concepts and obviously, both of them fell short of ideal, and both of them fell horribly shamefully to lead to corruption and misuse of power which lead to the destruction of our world.

According to the World Wildlife Foundation, now somewhere between 10,000 to 100,000 species are becoming extinct each year.

While we argue over semantics, in egoic protection of our pitiful pride, as to not have to face our emotions such as shames.

We can do better than that.

Photo by Lucas Alexander on Unsplash


Are you still with me?

I know it’s a tough subject to follow for some if they’ve never had experience with facing these psychological matters of denials, and accepting ones responsibility as a thing always being had, but only a thing one could deny having.

Please empathize with the theme’s tale as we’ve woven it through the genre of relationships to the social, economic and corporate scheme of things, to hold the understanding of its nature and what we can do about it.

No one would ever be able to understand these natures of the human consciousness — if such subtle re-actions from such seemingly harmless ideologies weren’t openly expressed, and shared with others. So therein is embedded the key.

Open communication.

There are several psychological aspects other than this, that also permeate the blanketing of our cognitive natures and foundational reasonings from emotional wisdom attained in of experience and communication — due to precisely that being in lack thereof, but let's focus on getting at least one thing right as a whole first.


Express yourself freely.


And bravely.

— The most probable result of having sincere and open communication in any subject, with trust and faith that the other will hear and aim to empathize with and understand?

➠ Peace and harmony in all relationships.

— The most probable result of staying quiet, not expressing emotions in any subject, shying from facing issues, and lacking faith that the other(s) will hear or understand?

➠ Spite. Hatred. Distrust. Murder. War …you name it.

If you hate or love a thing or want a thing or mildly dislike a thing — Express it! Never be afraid to express the emotions from your heart, no matter the fear-based consequences possible, as that that fear-based who would react negatively straight from the get-go would be coming from only being caught in the mechanics of the fear and illusion itself.

The only way we all get out of it and rid ourselves of our ridiculousness and unnecessary immaturities — is through not giving ourselves the excuse,

“ — oh they do it

.. anyone would do same so why not?..

..I might as well do things the same way too.”

From here I’d ask and state-

⌦ How old are you?

⌦ Act your age.

⌦ Who you are and the actions you take are not the responsibilities of others to choose for you.

⌦ Do you have free will? Or not?


..or the subtle and silent droves of the fear-based hive-minded mentality in our cultures subconscious collective fallacy ridden society — will choose for you.

And NO decision should be made from a place of fear.

Peter Joseph of the Zeitgeist Movement


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Avatar for Admiral
1 year ago
Topics: Reality, Technology, News
