Moral education and values (part-1)

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3 years ago

About 600 million people live in this vast world. They live in different countries, big and small. Those countries have many different cultures and social systems. They are different from each other but have survived for ages. The reason behind this survival is that certain rules and principles and values ​​of the society and culture that people follow and follow. As a result, there is no chaos in the society. Morality and values ​​keep the society away from all kinds of social and cultural conflicts, conflicts, conflicts. As a result, people live in peace and prosperity in the society.

*What is morality:

Morality is a sense of principle, it is a human quality that is made up of many other qualities. People follow certain rules very consciously based on their family, society, state and religion. All these rules and regulations imposed by the society or the state affect the livelihood of the people. The tendency to follow these rules, the mentality, the practice of principles is morality.

*What are values:

Many people think of ethics and values ​​as one. But the two issues are not one. Values ​​are formed from the human experience gained as a result of living together in the same society for a long time. The basis of values ​​is religion, philosophy, long-cherished behavior-belief, society's own ideology and rules and regulations. Values ​​are the ideas of the people of the society about the good-evil, wrong-right, desired, unwelcome things in the context of the existing customs and traditions in the society.

*The position of morality and values ​​in the present society:

There is a proverb in Bengal that ‘the day goes well, the day comes bad’. People used to believe that value is greater than wealth. But now this idea has changed. Everyone is running after money and wealth. The competition to leave one behind and the other ahead has blinded everyone. Everyone is sacrificing their own virtues and values. So now everything from the lowest to the highest levels of society is drowned in corruption, misdeeds and immoral activities. People have exiled morality and values ​​in such a way that even the heads of state of different countries are going to jail every now and then for corruption. Every aspect of the social and economic system is plagued by unprincipledness today. The practice of values ​​is now ridiculed as the work of fools. There was a time when a poor but principled man was respected by all. And now money is his honor. That is why we respect and welcome bribe-takers, corrupt and usurious moneylenders. If this situation continues, morality and values ​​will have to be found in fairy tales a few days later.

*Decline of moral values:

Decline means the loss of anything. That is, when morality and values ​​are abolished, destroyed, when people do something against values, it is called the erosion of values. When we look at the youth of our country, we see a sad and direct picture of this decline. Millions of young people, teenagers, are pushing themselves into the dark because of this decline, being addicted to drugs. Snatching, kidnapping, kidnapping, murder, violence, corrupt politics and terrorism are constantly involved. People of all ages are on the verge of destruction today by strangling the bright future and abandoning values ​​and morals. The boy who is supposed to be a teacher, doctor, engineer or administrator is today becoming a smuggler, drug dealer or terrorist. He who was supposed to take the country far ahead is unjustly hindering the progress of the country today. In fact, the erosion of moral values ​​is directly or indirectly responsible for all this.

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Avatar for Adity.Saha
3 years ago


Brilliant article

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3 years ago