Jute is the main crop of Bangladesh (part-2)

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3 years ago

*Problems existing in the jute industry of Bangladesh:

Due to various limitations, this industry is losing its dominance in the world market.

The following is a picture of the various problems that exist in the development of the jute industry in Bangladesh:

- Jute farmers in Bangladesh do not get a fair price for their jute due to the violence of middlemen, low price of jute in the international market, etc.

- Jute production is increasing in other countries besides Bangladesh. As a result, the demand for jute in the international market is getting lower than before. Bangladesh's jute industry is losing in competition with other countries.

- The quality of jute in Bangladesh is declining in the international market. In addition, there is a lack of supply of improved seeds and materials. Farmers do not have training in advanced digestion system.

- Increased reliance on polythene and synthetics is reducing both demand and reasonable prices of jute products. As a result, the production of jute is decreasing.

- There is not enough research system in Bangladesh to produce new products from jute. Moreover, due to lack of technical knowledge, multi-dimensional use of jute is not possible in this country.

- Various technological developments have been achieved in the jute industry in other jute producing countries of the world. But the jute industry of Bangladesh is not able to keep pace with this technological change. As a result, Bangladesh is not able to take advantage of the favorable environment for jute demand in the world.

- Although jute policy has been formulated in Bangladesh, it is not applicable. There is a lack of formulation and implementation of up-to-date fair jute policy.

*Things to do to solve the existing problems:

Various effective steps are needed to solve the existing problems in the jute industry of Bangladesh.

Below are some opinions on this subject-

- The government needs to take appropriate measures to fix a fair price for jute farmers. At the same time, the tyranny of the middlemen must be stopped.

- The government must take appropriate steps to expand the international market. In this case, the government must be strict to stop corruption, nepotism, conspiracies of neighboring countries.

- It is necessary to reduce the cost of production, supply improved seeds and materials at affordable prices. Moreover, technical knowledge and research system needs to be expanded to make all new products from jute.

- The use of jute products in the country should be increased. Therefore, the use of alternative products of jute products needs to be completely banned in the country.

- In the production of jute, it is necessary to use advanced technology by eliminating the conventional methods and machinery.

- Formulation of policies for jute industry and proper implementation of those policies should be taken.

- Private entrepreneurs must come forward to protect the jute industry. At the same time, the private sector needs to work to raise awareness about jute cultivation and the use of jute products.

- Adequate funding is needed to save the jute industry. Therefore, it is now more important for entrepreneurs to waive arrears and provide low interest loans. Moreover, to increase the production of jute, it is necessary to provide interest free or low interest loans to the farmers.

- In order to promote the jute products produced in the country, it is necessary to participate in the international trade fairs of different countries.

- Jute products which are in high demand in the market should be produced and exported on a commercial basis.

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3 years ago
