Food are very essential for our health. If we eat food, we can earn energy for us. It is very important for human beings for their life.
The ultimate aim of consuming food is to maintain health. There is no single food which can contribute all kind of nutritions needed by the body. Only a perfect selection cab privide all the nutritions in required amount. In this order to selection the sources of all nutritions and that also in correct proportion. We must know the correct proportion of nutrients.
We must know the bacis principles of food selection. The nutritionists and food scientists all over the world has selections. The nutritionists and food scientists all over the world put in a lot of efforts of formulated certain guidance in these matter. Basic food groups suitable to different countries were enovolved by the nutritionists.
The five main and basic food groups are a central components of the dietary system recommendations set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The guidelines of basic food groups were introduced in 1961,more than a decade before the establish of recommendations dietary allowances, or, RDA, fir the daily take of calories and essential nutritions.
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Foods are essential for all species. We need to eat a balanced diet, proper selection of food. We earn energy from foods.